Wednesday, December 27, 2017

My Other Blog: Deadbeats I Shouldn't Have Rented To, Good Luck If You Do

I'm a multi-tasking fool- ask anyone. When I stupidly used Facebook to advertise a page of mine with the same title some folks got a severe case of red Ass. I don't know if they don't like paying rent, if they're friends of my deadbeats, or if the idea of paying what you owe wasn't instilled by the pigminded wild dogs that perhaps raised them ( I am in no way saying these people are pigs, were raised by dogs, are also deadbeats, etc. They do defend that type of person by whining to Facebook-or censorship-r-us and sending me to Facebook jail) but to no use.
In fact, the publicity From Jessica Bellew, Rob Age, Papa Hirsch, Luke Matthews, Rob Solo, (I know, right?) Belle Danika Jares and Linda  Phibbs was covered in my local area enough to have me invited onto a local radio station. That twenty minute broadcast in turn gave me hundreds of emails from people that either knew their location or needed their location for the same thing.
So this gang of 7 dimwits was a blessing in disguise. Sometimes an idiot is a useful idiot. Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Papa John's Still Establishing a Low Pressure Area

I'd made my displeasure with Papa John's pretty clear back when I questioned their traveling cheese vs plain cheese pricing. Strangely, it's drawn one of the largest responses with the majority of the comments coming from drivers or former drivers that all failed Reading Comprehension 101. I had to curb my snarkiness a few times, but I answered all of the responses. From that post until a few weeks ago I had avoided Papa like the plague.
Not long ago, Mr. Schnatter said something that made so much sense I was blown away. I even gave his pizza another try, although I won't make that mistake again. Not because of the following blog, but because I had ventured into some of the local pizza joints and found them so vastly superior- I didn't really miss the Papa. Also, I have this gluten issue now, but anyway- back to the morons at Papa John's Inc.
Mr.Schnatter commented that the moronic fools that were kneeling during the anthem (my words, not his) and the gutless weanies who allowed it were really hurting his pizza business. It makes sense, if the NFL cannot give seats away, who is watching? In short-not nearly as many people. If they don't watch- why do they need to order pizza or for that matter- even see his commercials?
As someone who decides media advertising myself- trust me, you want to get your money's worth. So Papa John spoke truth to power ( I love irony) and the sjw lost their minds. Papa was insensitive to poor people (which NFL player is that???) The company just doesn't get it.
So now Mr. Schnatter will no longer be the face of his own flippin' company. He's going to remain the CEO but will not be president of this temple to sjw  whining.
We had a good run Papa. Never again. Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Thursday, December 14, 2017

Religion of Peace, My Ass

So for every time that Barak Hussein Obama tells me that Islam is the religion of peace- remember this jackhole.
Every time that there is another terrorist attack, if you don't see a picture of the perpetrator in five minutes, you can bet the farm that there is an Achmed or a Muhhamed in the guy's name and that one of his favorite people is a cult leader that married his 9 year old cousin. that this cult believes in honor killings, raping women that aren't muslim and using boys as young as 4 for their sexual pleasure.
They have no plans to assimilate.
Clitorectomies are performed on three year old baby girls. It's disgusting.
Taqiya is their belief that lying is bad, but lies to non muslims don't count. Most of these idiots are either imported through chain migration (thanks Chuck Schumer) or radicalized in prison.
Saudi Arabia has the resources to take every single one of these cultists. They should. We don't need to import evil, we've got plenty of our own. Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Worst Series Endings In No Particular Order

1) Dexter. Oof. I'd been watching from the first amazing episode. It was so muddled by the ending it was a mercy killing. Pity.
2) Night Court. Stupid stupid stupid.
3)Seinfeld. My eyes roll just thinking about it.
4) Dallas. What the hell was that?
5)Breaking Bad. Of course it wasn't going to end well, the devolution of Walter White was hypnotic and heart wrenching.
6) Rhoda
7) Fantasy Island was straight out of the Twilight Zone.
Either stupid, shocking for the sake of shock, or insipid. Horrible endings every one.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Tomtop Technology Stinks and PayPal is Useless

I bought six drum sets for the children of my niece and nephews. ( I know, I'm that kind of aunt). I used EBay and stupid purchased them from a seller called Tomtop Technology in New Jersey. The reason they gave me a great price is because they shorted me one set. 16.6% mark up- over the stated
price. Good money if you can get it. My PayPal "guarantee "? Less useful than one square of toilet paper on a dysentery ward. I understand why they have websites dedicated to proclaiming how much they suck.
Avoid Tomtop Technology. Don't use PayPal if you don't want my experience. You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, June 27, 2017

The MSM Crapping Their Collective Pants That President Trump Beat Their Girl

Wow, even FNC is gunning for our President.  I expect it has a lot to do with Mr. Grabby Hands being forced out, but I guess those Murdoch boys got tired of winning.  Most times it takes two generations for a business to go under, they are quite the over achievers.
I was a faithful FNC viewer. I liked the lineup with a few exceptions.  Allen Colms always made me want to knock his smug grin off with a cast iron frying pan, and Meghan Kelly gave birth to the term presstitute as far as I am concerned.
President Trump is getting things done in spite of two colossal mistakes Mike Pence instead of Speaker Gingrich and vice President Gingrich would have helped to contain that situation.  Pence is still a career politician in every word, in every action.  He almost made me sit the election out.
I have been watching the daily circus of Maxine Waters. She always makes me miss James Brown.  I think it's because she has his old wig.  He monotonous calls for impeachment are growing old.  She didn't have a reason, so she just yammered until the reporters faded away with their sound bytes. She is an embarrassment to the United States, especially any fool that voted for her.  While she is screeching for an investigation into the fictitious Russian ties, how about they throw a few investigators at the sweet deal Mad Maxine gave her husband's bankrupt bank, and then the folks that hired him?
And if Jim Acosta has one more petulant meltdown over the inclusion of online reporters, the different press room, or the color of the carpeting, I hope that Sean Spicer's final job as Press Secretary is to smack him with a wet towel until he cries like the five year old he sounds like.
President Trump won. He beat Jeb! and more importantly, he beat your girl.  You remember her right?

Do your job, media. If you don't, that internet thing I keep hearing about will replace you. (It's where I get my news, and so do most people that want the whole story minus the opinion and slant) Get cracking.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Working List of Libtard Celebrities

It's occurred to me that there should be an updating list of Libtarded celebrities, pseudo celebrities and companies that support disrupting President Trump at all costs. Here we go, feel free to send me any I miss:
1) Judd Apatow. His few successful crude movies have given him a greater sense of worth than is warranted.
He said this about President Trump's election. " I feel like I've been raped and just don't know if I'm going to be murdered."
Let's start with the entire belittling of rape victims and then move on to the gigantic hissy fit on display.
2-4) Rosie O'Donnell. When not trying desperately to remain relavent, O'Donnell seems to have completed Medical School. That's the only explanation I have for her impromptu attack/ diagnosis of Baron Trump's alleged autism. I mean certainly this has been pig wouldn't go so far as to attack a child over his parent's politics, right?
5) Miley Cyrus. Much like the good ship O'Donnell, I have to wonder how much of this is politics and how much is self promotion. Her self posted rant of hystrionics, tears, and insipid dejection that America rejected an avowed Socialist and Felonious Von Pantsuit is saved to my laptop. Never fails to make me laugh.
6) Cher. She promised she was leaving. A deal is a deal.
7) The View- While the 19 viewers of the program would no doubt be devastated, these harpies promised to leave if President Trump became a reality. A deal is a deal "ladies."
8) Patton Oswald. His venomous vitriol aimed towards the right, and Mr. Trump's family in particular guarantee that I will never support any work he's involved with.
9) Shia LeBoef. Child actors flung straight into adulthood with no sensible education often end up sounding like LeBoef. His latest debacle would be that live-streaming hot mess that went from 365 days to what 34? It's been removed and relocated citing security concerns. I believe most of those came from watching this delicate snowflake go batcrap crazy any time he was confronted with an opinion that didn't match his. If this were the 80s he'd be a prominent guest star on the LoveBoat or even Fantasy Island.
10) Meryl Streep. Ms. Streep is a master of vague European ish accents. But her off the rails, delusional attack on our newly elected president was utterly devoid of taste. Not only was she addressing the home team, so to speak, she completely disregarded the MAJORITY that had in fact voted for our new President. And she wonders why sales are now in Tinsel town?
11) Samuel L. Jackson. This one disappointed me until I remembered when he proudly proclaimed the reason he voted for Faily McWorse Than Carter is because they share a skin tone. Racist much? What happened to moving to South Africa, btw?
12)Mark Hamil. When I was 11 and stupid, I very much preferred Like Skywalker to Hans Solo. Live and learn. I believe his adaptation of Corvette Summer is only slightly less asinine than his reading President Trump's quotes in the voice of The Joker.
13) Lena Dunham. The only thing I really know about this inky mess is that she bragged about sexually molesting her younger sister and was never prosecuted. She now claims that her depression over the election is causing her to lose weight. From the one picture I have seen of her, she has quite a while before that is life threatening.
14) Man oh man, it saddens me to add this name. Mark Hamill was a genuine cutie back in the day. Yes, I know Harrison Ford- but I was not the intelligent, headstrong woman that writes this now. Well, I was headstrong-there was a two day stand off over okra once, but I digress.
Mr. Hamill, when not cashing royalty checks from some of his blockbusters such as The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia, or Corvette Summer  spends his time ridiculing the president ( a common  treatment for post-election red Ass) and being utterly destroyed on Twitter by Senator Cruz. I will never understand how it is that a person whose most bankable talent is memorizing words and repeating them back convincingly believes that he or she has a mandate to use the attention paid to them to tell the world their opinion. Narcissistic much?