Monday, February 23, 2015

AT&T Sucks. Here Is Why

The stupid town that I live in doesn't have a lot of options if you want services that other people take for granted.  It has three internet providers. AT&T is one of them.  The other two are over priced options.  I could use cable (if I sell a kidney) or the one the city offers (recycled service from another provider with their fees added to it)  I am stuck with AT&T.  I use the wifi so that I am not tethered to my register.  AT&T sucks.
They used to have DSL which was stupid fast and inexpensive.  I could access my internet from anywhere I happened to be.  Then they went to UVerse.  I despise UVerse.  It is slower. It costs three times more.  If it rains, I have no internet for periods.  If it is foggy, I have no service for periods of time.  If it snows, well you see the pattern here, right?  I know how the tech guy takes his coffee.  That's how often he is here.
I pay the internet ransom through my automated pay option from my bank.  This morning, I had no internet service.  I called AT&T.  They said I hadn't paid my bill.  I told them I had, I would pay the new bill on the 10th when it was due.  AT&T said I hadn't and suggested I check with my bank.  I called my bank.  The lady on the phone looked up my account and then gavce me the routing number used to pay AT&T for their sub standard service.  I called back.  First I got the person that I couldn't understand.  Then I got the person who was an idiot.  Then I finally got the supervisor. That was James.  James told me there was nothing that AT&T could do until I paid my bill. Again.  So I asked to speak to his supervisor.  Apparently James runs the place, because his supervisor would have to be alerted and I would receive a call within 24 hours.  That was incredibly unhelpful.  So I called back.  Same drill.  First person spoke English as a first language, but had such a grudge that she had to deal with people, I asked for her supervisor.  Guess who I got?  Yep, James the poster child for inept.  So Then I was transferred to billing.  The only way that AT&T would turn my service on was if  I paid another payment on top of the one I had already made.  I had no choice, I paid the ransom.
Two hours later, still no service.  I called again.  Finally service.
But tomorrow, I get to track down my payment and then I won't get my money back, I just won't have to pay them next month. Lucky me.
AT&T sucks.  If you have any other option besides them, take it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Please Start Drugging Kanye West

I wrote an opinion piece a few weeks ago about Hollywood and their unending need to have their own approval.  One "awards" program after another, as they narcissistically beg for attention from other people.  I don't care what they wear.  I don't care who wins.  I don't care who says what to whom now or after.  Once in a blue moon, someone will say something intelligent and thought provoking.  Not often enough for me to watch 3+ hours of it, however.
Last week they had the Grammy Awards and once again, the most prolific racist/ media whore managed to ruin someone else's moment.
If you recall,  Kanye tried to ruin the moment for Taylor Swift.  He came out and took her award for a moment, all the while bloviating on how Beyonce should have won.  What an idiot. Not happy with that, he then when on a stupidity tour claiming the death threats, and other reactions had made him depressed. Lesson not learned.
Last night, another person who didn't get Kanye's personal approval won the award.  Once again, he went on another anal rant  that the person who in fact won was not Beyonce.  What an idiot. People at first thought he was making a joke of it. No such luck.
Not happy with the size of ass he had made of himself, afterwards he babbled further about the injustice of his chosen artists not winning and more random crap.  All the while, his psuedo celebrity wife looked on with pain.
Isn't there any security at these things?  Or is it possible that someone can just rush onto the stage whenever the mood strikes them once they are backstage?  Either way, it is foolish.
How many more times will this over rated racist be allowed to ruin the evening of the person who won?  Maybe a Thorazine dart gun next year.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Are They Feeding Cows Unicorn Dust?

I love cow meat. When God invented beef he was having a great day, let me tell you.  I love rare beef, it is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy.  But I don't love it enough to sell a kidney to purchase it, and that's the going rate these days.
I don't know why we cannot call the E-85 experiment quits and go back to using corn to feed the cows.  I don't believe for one minute that ethanol has anything to do with the current drop in fuel prices. The one and only reason that oil is dropping is because of fracking. Saudi Arabia cannot compete with us when it comes to all of the different energy resources that we have.  Fracking makes sense for us at the moment because oil has been driven to stupids heights.  When the price of oil becomes reasonable again (with no thanks to B.O. of course) than fracking will probably slow down.  Not that the oil will go bad of course.  We have it, and knowing that we do should stop some of those countries that hate us from being able to hold us hostage again.
It's not as if they can start growing wheat or anything like that.  As Sam Kennison pointed out it was sand.  In a thousand years it will still be sand.
Do you remember how much extra money OPEC had in the eighties?  That's right-not much.  They didn't have anything extra to give away to the people that hate us and would do us harm.  What does that tell you?
A solution of sorts was ethanol.  It hasn't been much help for many reasons.  Not the least of which is that if you do run ethanol in your vehicle, you must run a tank of premium pretty regularly, so what have you saved? Nothing, that's what.
A friend of mine works for the railroad.  every week he is driving a train of corn to an ethanol plant.  That same corn that could be making beef is going toward a substandard fuel that is not cost efficient to use.  How dumb is that?
Instead of forcing ethanol on us, how about if we drill our own oil?  Fracking has proven that it works-just look at the pumps right now.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, February 2, 2015

If the Oscars Are Too "White" Can We Talk About the NBA?

Al Sharpton has stopped suborning perjury for a minute to race bait again.  Is there anyone who is surprised? Anyone?  I mean, you stick with what you are good at, right?  If he had to work for a living, and actually preach the word of God- he would be pretty hungry, no doubt.  He might even have to get a real job.
But Mr. Sharpton has decided that the Oscars, another narcissistic program designed to make sure that you are paying attention to celebrities, is racist. Oh the horror.  Let's look at it, shall we?  It would seem that every person nominated for an Oscar this year is not black.  Well, if Mr. Sharpton wants racial equality-he hasn't really thought it through.
76.3 percent of the NBA is black.  That is a huge over representation, isn't it?  68.3 percent of the NFL is black, where are the protests and headlines?  I imagine the first argument would be that they are the best players.  So what?  Mr. Sharpton wants racial diversity!
 12.61 percent of the nation identifies as African American according to the latest census.  If you do the math, you see that they are seriously over represented in sports, but when was the last time you saw Joel Osteen leading a protest?  Also, 39.4 percent of the prison population is black!
If Sharpton wants to work on something, how about he tackle that?  How about if he look into the percentage of black children who are being raised in a household with two parents? Only 33 percent of black children are being raised in a family with both parents in the same household!  But Sharpton has his  silk panties in a bunch because there weren't enough blacks nominated for a narcissistic award by a bunch of self involved folks who play pretend for a living.
Tackle black on black crime, Al.  Mayor Guiliani was correct when he pointed out that 93 percent of crimes against blacks are perpetuated by other blacks.  The politically correct went batcrap crazy, but it is true.  Why aren't you tackling that issue, Al?  Have a march or something. Draw some interest in blacks killing blacks in record numbers.  Get your pal, Reverend Baby Daddy to give a speech from the white house.
Do something about it besides blaming white people.  
But back to the Oscars.  The last oscar winning movie that I liked was Forrest Gump.  When it won, I didn't think I would like the movie, and actively avoided it.  Imagine my surprise when it didn't suck.  If awards are given to the best person in a category- like hiring the best athlete for the job-shouldn't we just be color blind about it?  Of course, there would be less money in it for the professional race baiters, wouldn't there?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.