I am happy for Chelsea Clinton. The next few sentences are going to sound catty but if you know me, then you won't be surprised. I have this theory about ugly people marrying ugly people. It makes me happy. I am only irritated when I see some stone cold gorgeous, saliva evaporating hunk of flesh walking along with what looks to be a monkey taught to walk upright. But, maybe that is just me.
Anyway, Chelsea Clinton found someone who was okay by her weird family and decided to stick around and procreated. Yay for her. I am glad that they can afford the orthodontia that will clearly be needed.
Ahem. But why would thew Clintons and the msm refer to this bundle of joy as a baby and yet any other in utero as a fetus? What is the double standard here? Is it because this one is wanted? Does that make the difference to them? I am trying to find out, I really am. Because now we have these idiots who are advocating for post birth abortion, and I believe that is murder. You can look it up. The same as 'partial birth abortion' is murder, it is too.
So, again,never mind that when President George W. Bush became a grandfather the msm greeted it with crickets. I guess it's only news when ugly political families have babies. Look, my claws. I will be the first to admit that I have no overwhelming interest in this. I just get tired of the double standard.
Example one: George W. Bush is so stupid hyuck, hyuck, hyuck.
Counterpoint: Obama cannot even pronounce Corpsman but he is still the smartest guy in the room.
The list goes on and on. Slick willie was so busy tapping the pudgy help that he couldn't be bothered taking Bin Laden when he was offered on a silver platter. The end result? September 11, 2001. Thanks alot. Hope Monica was worth it.
I don't seem to understand the way that world is tilting these days. My children couldn't pray if they went to public school, which is one of the many reasons that they don't- but it is okay for muslims to force schools not to offer pork because it offends their religious beliefs??? How does that make sense?
And for that matter, why does Michelle Obama have any say what so ever in anything? She hasn't been hired by anyone to do anything. All she has to do is sit there, and try not to wrinkle her dumb nose and roll her stupid eyes. You know, pretend to be a lady. Instead, she has children starving half to death by the time they get home and a hungry child doesn't think well.
How about if she concentrate on getting herself to her next multimillion dollar vacation (that we will pay for) and leave everyone's children alone?
So there you have it. My ranting is over for now. Think about what I've said. You'll thank me later.
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