They worked for 126 days in 2013. Yes. You read that correctly. For every day those poor souls spent in air conditioned or heated comfort, they only had two days to recover. Only two days! How in the world are they supposed to manage on these scraps? Is there no decency left in the world?
He went on to whine that they were only going to be able to attract the very wealthy and that no one would want to stay there for very long on those slave wages. He also bemoaned the expense of housing, maintaining at least two residences, because Washington DC is so very expensive, how are they supposed to live decently, he cried? I guess he missed the point.
It isn't supposed to be a career, sir. You aren't supposed to be there for decades. In fact, your little pity party should be the preamble to every single movement for term limits. You may well be the poster child for the very thing. How about this, since you clearly cannot afford the things you say you need to live well, and of course, you only want to serve your fellow man.
We build giant military bases for our brave servicemen and women. We keep them safe. We have armed guards, patrol units, and fences. Granted, the housing is adequate, but not luxurious. Of course, it beats living in a box on a corner. So why don't we build a couple of these housing bases and put our Congressmen and women and our Senators in them? They can be guarded, the same as our other bases would be. We could have them built in about six months and the jobs would be a wonderful thing, especially since obamacare has killed the economy even more than his ineptitude and mismanagement has.
They could break ground in less than two months if they really wanted to. They could be all moved in by November, just in time for the new elections. It would be wonderful and a huge money saver for all involved. It wouldn't be any more dangerous for them than it is for our brave military. We keep them all grouped together, and I know there isn't a politician alive-outside of b.o. and California stupid enough to imply that they are more important than our military.
Think about it. You'll thank me later.
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