I think you have to be very masochistic to want to run for public office these days. Not only are you running on the ideas that you have for the future, (unless you are Obama-then just run because you look black) but you are also running with every dumb thing you have ever said, and every dumb thing you have ever done. Can you imagine what it would be like to run for office knowing every keg stand, every drunken text, every stupid, spur of the moment thing you ever did was out there waiting to bite you on the butt?
Unless you are the current guy, the media goes after you like pitbulls after beef steak. For example- Chris Christie- who doesn't have a pig's chance at a lou auh of getting my vote, is being decimated by the same adoring media types who praised his no nonsense attitude and heaped accolades on him for helping B.O. to look less incompetent. Now, they believe he is guilty of the most heinous of crimes-traffic jams on purpose. Oh the humanity.
Governor Palin was ripped to shreds by the media types who would ordinarily fall at her feet because she has a vagina. I guess the (R) beside her name cancelled out her hoo hah. Plus, horror of horrors- she has a special needs child and she didn't abort him. Not to mention she has a daughter who got pregnant while not being married. Kind of ironic to listen to hollywood types try to make it sound like she was horrible while still holding Angelina Jolie up as a role model, isn't it? I'm pretty sure that the idiot she had unprotected sex with wasn't married at the time. Ahem.
But back to the background checks on every living moment a conservative candidate has until he is elected. I don't care if Christie told people to cause traffic jams or if he didn't. I don't care if he made and delivered a nasty email to someone that hurt their feelings. I do care that he had the opportunity to send a conservative to the senate and he wussed out on it. He is a Republican in name only, in spite of what Ann Coulter says.
Ted Cruz has blue eyes. Harry Reid actually questioned his ethnicity because of them. Can you imagine if a conservative had said that Obama didn't really look black enough? O my Goodness! The gods of political correctness would have swooped down and carried that person away. They would have been linked to the Klan faster than you can say-those Obama's sure have some ugly kids.
Do you remember when Governor Romney said that Russia would invade the Ukraine? B.O.'s look of derision was priceless. The media jumped into the fray and made it seem as though Romney were just an out of touch rich guy, which, coincidentally, was the theme they were pushing about him. Now, who is the idiot? Oh wait, the 109% that voted for Obama, right?
Rand Paul is another bright man that is giving the media fits. He alone caused the government shutdown (according to them) because he just didn't want the people to get the wonderful, generous, fabulous benefits of obamacare also known as the law of the land.
Well now that obamacare has turned out to be the very turd sandwich that conservatives had been warning about, who is to blame? It looks like Sebellius is going to be the latest chick thrown under the bus by team Obama. Who saw that coming? Will there be an apology from the media types who were not just wrong, but stupidly wrong? Don't hold your breath.
Who ever the next president is, they will have their work cut out for them. Barrak Hussein Obama has completely cartered the country. It will take someone the likes of President Reagan to undo the damage. And he or she will have to do it without the adoring eyes of the media helping him or her every step of the way.
I am tired of the media trying to be the third man. Just report the facts. All of the facts, not the ones that tell the story you want told, please.
Question your media sources. You'll thank me later.
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