Monday, February 3, 2014

What Were You Thinking Coca Cola?

I am a diet Coke drinker from way back. I know, I know. I have read the studies and trust me, If I start drinking six gallons of it a day- the same amount they used in the tests that caused tumors-I fully expect to get something bad.  Six gallons of anything can't be good for you in a twenty four hour period.
However, the brain trusts as Coca Cola may have found another way to get me to stop using their products.
Did you watch their Super Bowl commercial?  What were they thinking??? I have no problem with them being inclusive- I am one hundred percent behind the notion of a melting pot.  But the problem, is, they aren't melting.  America the Beautiful is a lovely song, one that tugs at my patriotic heart strings every time that I hear it.  It doesn't have any of the violent images that twist  the panties of liberals, and it is a heck of a lot easier to sing than The Star Spangled Banner.  
However, Coca Cola decided to make a Super Bowl commercial with most of the lyrics sung in every language except English.  Not only that, the representatives in the commercial were eclectic, at best.  Was there not one entire Service man or woman available from the United States military?  Was there not one disabled service person available for the ad?
I know that there were gobs of other cultures available to represent themselves in the spot, I just have to wonder who Coca Cola was marketing that thing to?
When someone is selling a product, it's easy to see who they want as a customer.  You don't see men in Oil of Olay ads.  You don't see men in tampon commercials. (Although, I must admit, the thought of a man cowering in fear from his pms-ing partner in a Midol commercial would make me laugh)  You get a general idea of who they are marketing to by the people in the advertisement. That's all I'm saying.
Based on that, Coca Cola doesn't seem to want my business any more.
I did not see one person in that entire commercial that would make me think that Coca Cola was aiming the ad at me. Not. one. person.
Do businesses want my business anymore?  Have they gotten so politically correct that they just figure I don't have a choice, but they better get cracking on getting the minorities' business?  I can already hear the claims of  xenophobia.  You know what? Hush.
It's not racist to expect to be represented in advertising.  It isn't discrimination to expect to see a Caucasian in a program or even a commercial  who isn't an idiot.  Think back to programs like The Jefferson's. While Archie Bunker was a controversial figure, who ever got in arms over George Jefferson referring to a bi-racial neighbor as a zebra?
In any given situation-if there must be an idiot- that race of that idiot will not be a minority.  Why is that?  There is even a comic strip "Curtis"by Ray Billingsley.  I don't read it anymore-not after my son asked me why the only white child in the strip is a cross eyed moron?  I couldn't answer him, and I guess the only real answer is that there is still a couple races that can be made fun of.
Why doesn't Coca Cola want the business of plain old Caucasians anymore?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

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