Monday, December 23, 2013

McCain=Romney=Christie. Enough Already!!

The msm has been writing about Chris Christie with breathless abandon.  Ann Coulter, a woman with an opinion I used to respect, has been writing about Christie with an almost giddy worshipful tone that is off putting.  She also endorsed Romney. Ick.
I think Christie has done good things for New Jersey. He has made them financially solvent again by reigning in the stranglehold that those unions had on his state.  They can keep him.
He also put him ham like arms around B.O. and tacitly endorsed him in the last election.  He knew what he was doing, because lo and behold! New Jersey got a butt ton of money to rebuild things that should have been covered by private insurances. Good for New Jersey, they can keep him.
While I want my President to have some experience in running a government organization, this is one governor that I'll take a pass on.  He's a blowhard.  He may be what they expect in New Jersey, but in reality he is an uncouth jerk who is too used to yelling his opponent down.  I don't want a delicate flower with genteel manners (see Romney,Mitt) or a guy who is one sandwich shy of a picnic (see McCain, John) I would like someone who won't embarrass me. (see, Obama/Soetoro, Barack/Barry)
I know the right person is out there.  They just have to throw themselves into the meat grinder of politics and understand that they are running against not just the Democrat but the msm as well.   I don't think that I would want to do that.  It's not that I wouldn't want to help our Republic, but look at what happened to Herman Cain.
He is a decent, intelligent great man with wonderful ideas. He was ground into political sausage.  I just don't think I would want my entire life under a microscope like that, would you?
So anyway, I am hoping for the next great conservative to step out and shine.  I am also hoping that the cheating that put B.O. in the oval office is removed by then.  There's a reason democrats like the saying 'vote early and often' and I hope that they are caught and punished for it someday.
Pray for our country and her leaders.  You'll thank me later.  Ps  Happy Birthday Ken!

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