John McCain brought Sarah Palin to the national front, and for that, I will be eternally grateful. Mrs. Palin is smart, witty, and a quick thinker who is able to box liberals into their own traps. I love her to pieces. John McCain, however, is another story. I am grateful for his service to our country. He needs to go home to the current wife and enjoy retirement. He lost my support most definitively when he called me a 'whacko bird' and now, I am just over him. He has been on the government teat for entirely too long. He is out of touch, out of ideas, and perhaps out of his mind. He moved faster than I have seen him move in years in an attempt to smear Senator Ted Cruz for having the audacity to fight. McCain doesn't get it. Perhaps he has been in the beltway for too long. Much like Lindsey Graham has. They don't get the idea that being a senator is not supposed to be a life's work. It is supposed to be a part time, short period time of your life. You shouldn't need to buy a house because you have been there for so long. When you do that, you lose touch with your constituents- you know, the people who sent you there and pay your salary.
There should be a litmus test- each and every elected official should be asked if they will sign themselves and their families up for obamacare. The ones who say 'no' or who dodge the question should be turned out, post haste.
The msm is trying to paint the last shutdown as a huge loss for conservatives. How is that even possible when B.O. simply wouldn't even consider any of the bills that were passed by the House. Of course, he didn't have to, because his enablers in the Senate were only too happy to oblige him. Reid, who once referred to Tea Party members as trolls, put himself firmly in sights to be replaced as the Senate majority leader.
I think that he should be impeached for not passing a budget in over five years. They only have a handful of jobs spelled out for them in the Constitution, and passing a budget is one of them. Giving B.O. cart blanche to spend his socialist heart out is not written into the Constitution.
2014 may well be the year of the RINO. Not in their having a run of victories, but in the majority of them being given their walking papers, their pink slips, being shown the door. It cannot come soon enough. Register to vote. Then, vote. Get involved on the local level to have more input on the National scene. It starts at home, as they say, and the sooner a ground swell of people begin to hold their elected officials to their higher standards, the sooner we can egin to fix all of the things that have been allowed to be broken. Get involved. You'll thank me later.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Monday, November 18, 2013
How to Avoid Obamacare
Nancy Pelosi wasn't kidding when she told me she would have to pass the law so that I could see what was in it. Turns out, it was a big fat giant turd sandwich. Ms. Pelosi lost the giant gavel two years later, and I would not be surprised if Harry Reid and his sparkling personality lose the Majority next year. He can be the minority speaker, and with any luck, his scowl will be featured less often then.
Theidiots, morons, socialists who wrote the gist of Obamacare have never spoken to a person who is licensed to sell insurance. They have never read a book about how insurance works, and they clearly have never taken a gander at how the real world works out here, away from the 'beltway.'
That is a good thing in the regard: the way that the penalty is collected from this abomination has no teeth. This "tax" can only be collected if you have a refund coming to you, and if you do not have a tax rebate coming to you, there is no way that the federal government can collect it. You read that correctly. The morons who wrote this crap didn't put any teeth in the penalty.
The way to avoid having to pay the penalty is simple-don't loan the government any of your money.
By that, I mean, if you are one of the fools who overpays your tax amount so that you can get a refund every year, you are dumb. Stop giving the feds an interest free loan. Redo you deductions so that you have no refund coming. This will do two things.
First, you will stop giving the government free use of your money ( it's not like they pay you interest) and two- if you are one of the millions who choose not to enroll in socialized medicine, they won't be able to penalize you. You read that right. The law does not provide for any way to collect the "tax" than to withhold it from your income tax rebate. If you do not have a rebate coming to you, then you have no way for them to take your money. They cannot access your bank accounts. They cannot put a lien on your property. They cannot do anything, legally, except take the money from any refund that you have coming to you. Don't set up your taxes so that you have a rebate. You'll thank me later.
That is a good thing in the regard: the way that the penalty is collected from this abomination has no teeth. This "tax" can only be collected if you have a refund coming to you, and if you do not have a tax rebate coming to you, there is no way that the federal government can collect it. You read that correctly. The morons who wrote this crap didn't put any teeth in the penalty.
The way to avoid having to pay the penalty is simple-don't loan the government any of your money.
By that, I mean, if you are one of the fools who overpays your tax amount so that you can get a refund every year, you are dumb. Stop giving the feds an interest free loan. Redo you deductions so that you have no refund coming. This will do two things.
First, you will stop giving the government free use of your money ( it's not like they pay you interest) and two- if you are one of the millions who choose not to enroll in socialized medicine, they won't be able to penalize you. You read that right. The law does not provide for any way to collect the "tax" than to withhold it from your income tax rebate. If you do not have a rebate coming to you, then you have no way for them to take your money. They cannot access your bank accounts. They cannot put a lien on your property. They cannot do anything, legally, except take the money from any refund that you have coming to you. Don't set up your taxes so that you have a rebate. You'll thank me later.
Obama Puts the 'dic' in Dictator
When Barrack Hussein Obama appeared from no where the msm heralded him as if he were a Messiah. They overlooked the fact that he only got elected as a senator after his opponents sealed divorce records were "accidentally" released and he was drug through all of the muck that team b.o. could muster.
The msm had an absolute hissy fit at President Bush (the latter) and his lack of experience. They bemoaned his lack of time suckling the government teat, they told me he was a cowboy, stupid, and completely unprepared to defeat Al Gore-the man who invented the internet. Imagine their surprise when President Bush managed to win after as many shenanigans as politically possible failed to steal the election in Florida.
After President Bush, the msm was giddy at the thought of Mrs. Clinton becoming the first woman President-that is until the new Senator from Illinois threw his taqiyah into the ring. After all, B.O. had held the job of senator for almost two months before stepping into the national ring. That gave him almost as much experience as Hillary had before carpet bagging her way into the senate in New York State.
So there is Hillary-suddenly on the curb after considering herself a shoo in as the next democratic nominee. A deal was struck and Hillary agreed to be Secretary of State in exchange for allowing Obama to ascend to the office for which he was totally unprepared. While running against him, Hillary, in full Clinton mode released the information that Obama was not born in the United States, but was in fact born in Kenya. The media yawned. Never mind that there were signs in Kenya proudly announcing Obama's birthplace. Never mind that there was descriptive evidence- he had even put it in his biography when he worked at Harvard. Now, people who insist that he wasn't born here are derisively called 'birthers.' Well, birther I am, he wasn't born here.
But after Hillary waspaid off,brought on board as Secretary of State, B.O. went about the business of attempting to destroy our Republic from within. He refused to enforce our laws (borders, DOMA, etc) and he refused to submit his advisers for congressional review, instead, having 'czars' that require no congressional oversight, the way every single commander in chief has been required to do before B.O. The mysteries behind that Valerie Jarrett could fill a book. Much like the missing background on B.O.
So now there is a judge in Alabama who must have nothing to lose. He has allowed the case against B.O.'s eligibility to move forward, even including the mountains of evidence assembled by Sheriff Arpaio's cold case posse. The mountain of evidence that the msm has collectively ignored/yawned over. Picture Kevin Bacon's character in Animal House as he assures everyone that 'all is well' and you pretty much have the picture of what the msm has been doing in relation to their boy, b.o.
The government shutdown is owned 100% lock stock and barrel by B.O. and Harry Reid. These two unprepossessing fools have not managed to pass a budget in over five years, and yet they continue to attempt to blame the politicians who are right of center as the problem. Riiiight.
Over the past weekend, b.o. has denied veterans from World War II the right to visit the memorial that was built to honor their great sacrifice. Keep in mind, this is an open memorial requiring little if any resources to maintain. That's right-b.o. spent more money to close it down to our veterans than it would have cost to keep it open. What.a.tool.
This also hasn't stopped him from shutting down the amber alert system that we use to find missing or endangered children quicker. He has kept the yeti's 'let's move' site up and running, because that is much more important than finding lost or stolen children. What.a.tool.
In another burst of obamaisms, he has put what is coming to be known as "barry-cades" around other government sites, cordoned off the Mount Rushmore site, and at one point, he even refused to let states spend their own money to keep their parks open. He has relented on the Grand Canyon, allowing the great state of Arizona (hi Momma!) to maintain that park. Why is the federal government even involved in these parks??
How about if we kick these parks back into state maintenance and do away with the Department of Parks all together? Of course, it will mean firing a bunch of over paid federal workers, but if the states can do it cheaper, what are we waiting for?
Obama needs to go. We don't need a dictator. If the Republicans don't get their acts together soon, they will be on the receiving end of a pink slip also. Do you hear us, John McCain? Ask Dick Lugar how that worked out for him. You'll thank me later.
The msm had an absolute hissy fit at President Bush (the latter) and his lack of experience. They bemoaned his lack of time suckling the government teat, they told me he was a cowboy, stupid, and completely unprepared to defeat Al Gore-the man who invented the internet. Imagine their surprise when President Bush managed to win after as many shenanigans as politically possible failed to steal the election in Florida.
After President Bush, the msm was giddy at the thought of Mrs. Clinton becoming the first woman President-that is until the new Senator from Illinois threw his taqiyah into the ring. After all, B.O. had held the job of senator for almost two months before stepping into the national ring. That gave him almost as much experience as Hillary had before carpet bagging her way into the senate in New York State.
So there is Hillary-suddenly on the curb after considering herself a shoo in as the next democratic nominee. A deal was struck and Hillary agreed to be Secretary of State in exchange for allowing Obama to ascend to the office for which he was totally unprepared. While running against him, Hillary, in full Clinton mode released the information that Obama was not born in the United States, but was in fact born in Kenya. The media yawned. Never mind that there were signs in Kenya proudly announcing Obama's birthplace. Never mind that there was descriptive evidence- he had even put it in his biography when he worked at Harvard. Now, people who insist that he wasn't born here are derisively called 'birthers.' Well, birther I am, he wasn't born here.
But after Hillary was
So now there is a judge in Alabama who must have nothing to lose. He has allowed the case against B.O.'s eligibility to move forward, even including the mountains of evidence assembled by Sheriff Arpaio's cold case posse. The mountain of evidence that the msm has collectively ignored/yawned over. Picture Kevin Bacon's character in Animal House as he assures everyone that 'all is well' and you pretty much have the picture of what the msm has been doing in relation to their boy, b.o.
The government shutdown is owned 100% lock stock and barrel by B.O. and Harry Reid. These two unprepossessing fools have not managed to pass a budget in over five years, and yet they continue to attempt to blame the politicians who are right of center as the problem. Riiiight.
Over the past weekend, b.o. has denied veterans from World War II the right to visit the memorial that was built to honor their great sacrifice. Keep in mind, this is an open memorial requiring little if any resources to maintain. That's right-b.o. spent more money to close it down to our veterans than it would have cost to keep it open. What.a.tool.
This also hasn't stopped him from shutting down the amber alert system that we use to find missing or endangered children quicker. He has kept the yeti's 'let's move' site up and running, because that is much more important than finding lost or stolen children. What.a.tool.
In another burst of obamaisms, he has put what is coming to be known as "barry-cades" around other government sites, cordoned off the Mount Rushmore site, and at one point, he even refused to let states spend their own money to keep their parks open. He has relented on the Grand Canyon, allowing the great state of Arizona (hi Momma!) to maintain that park. Why is the federal government even involved in these parks??
How about if we kick these parks back into state maintenance and do away with the Department of Parks all together? Of course, it will mean firing a bunch of over paid federal workers, but if the states can do it cheaper, what are we waiting for?
Obama needs to go. We don't need a dictator. If the Republicans don't get their acts together soon, they will be on the receiving end of a pink slip also. Do you hear us, John McCain? Ask Dick Lugar how that worked out for him. You'll thank me later.
Monday, November 11, 2013
And Yet the Sun Still Rises
As I am writing this, we are in day three of the government shut down. I do not know if we will still be in an apocalyptic, life altering, end of the world 15% government lay off when this makes it to being published. If we aren't still in that aforementioned shut down-I can only hope that it isn't because Boehner caved. I like to hope that he has been able to summon the testicular fortitude necessary to complete this shut down and rid us all of the onus that is socialized medicine. I read today that Boehner was in "secret" meetings that with Reid in an effort to maintain the subsidies that congress receives for their insurance. Of course it was leaked.
Reid's intention the entire time was to make Boehner look like a weasel.
I'm not saying that that is a difficult job, but Boehner is rather like Charlie Brown, expecting the football not to be pulled away. Sad.
Of course, the serial leaker from Reid's office will get off scott free. The ms is really hoping to whip up a case of indignation against Boehner and under cut his resolve. They have tried libeling the Tea Party. They have lied about the number of people who want socialized medicine, and finally that have broken the trust given to them (again) by lying about the number of people who are signing up for socialized medicine. In California alone- the msm reported over 5 million people signing up, when in fact, not even 50 thousand signed up. The people who even went to the site was only 645,000. How can you mistake five million for six hundred thousand? They were lying, plain and simple. They were looking to see how bad it would be. It's bad, very very bad.
So now that the moments of hysteria have faded, I can only hope-looking into the future- that we have begun to wash the stink of socialism off of us. I hope that Boehner has stood firm and forced B.O. into giving way on the only thing he has accomplished in six years.
It must be because of all that thought he gives to jobs, she said sarcastically.
Consider what the impact has been on you during this shutdown. Have you lost power? Have you had to cut back on breathing, eating or sleeping? Has the sun still risen, the birds still sung? How about the wind? Not the hot air coming out of DC but the wind is still blowing. We'll all be fine.
I think perhaps B.O. ( who hypothetically was a "professor" at Harvard teaching Constitutional Law) will realize that he isn't the king of anything and that the other two branches of government have an equal say in how things are supposed to go.
Even though Harry Reid hasn't passed a budget in over five years ( and why isn't he facing impeachment for dereliction of duty??) we can still manage to thwart B.O. and his socialist toadies. Did you know that the majority of the "navigators" that have been hired to help you swallow socialized medicine are former ACORN workers who helped B.O. steal a couple of elections? Kinda makes you not want to trust them with your private information, doesn't it? Of course, with all of B.O.'s homeland security spying, it's not like they don't have it anyway.
Resist socialism. Resist tyranny. Stand strong and keep the pressure on our elected officials. You'll thank me later.
Reid's intention the entire time was to make Boehner look like a weasel.
I'm not saying that that is a difficult job, but Boehner is rather like Charlie Brown, expecting the football not to be pulled away. Sad.
Of course, the serial leaker from Reid's office will get off scott free. The ms is really hoping to whip up a case of indignation against Boehner and under cut his resolve. They have tried libeling the Tea Party. They have lied about the number of people who want socialized medicine, and finally that have broken the trust given to them (again) by lying about the number of people who are signing up for socialized medicine. In California alone- the msm reported over 5 million people signing up, when in fact, not even 50 thousand signed up. The people who even went to the site was only 645,000. How can you mistake five million for six hundred thousand? They were lying, plain and simple. They were looking to see how bad it would be. It's bad, very very bad.
So now that the moments of hysteria have faded, I can only hope-looking into the future- that we have begun to wash the stink of socialism off of us. I hope that Boehner has stood firm and forced B.O. into giving way on the only thing he has accomplished in six years.
It must be because of all that thought he gives to jobs, she said sarcastically.
Consider what the impact has been on you during this shutdown. Have you lost power? Have you had to cut back on breathing, eating or sleeping? Has the sun still risen, the birds still sung? How about the wind? Not the hot air coming out of DC but the wind is still blowing. We'll all be fine.
I think perhaps B.O. ( who hypothetically was a "professor" at Harvard teaching Constitutional Law) will realize that he isn't the king of anything and that the other two branches of government have an equal say in how things are supposed to go.
Even though Harry Reid hasn't passed a budget in over five years ( and why isn't he facing impeachment for dereliction of duty??) we can still manage to thwart B.O. and his socialist toadies. Did you know that the majority of the "navigators" that have been hired to help you swallow socialized medicine are former ACORN workers who helped B.O. steal a couple of elections? Kinda makes you not want to trust them with your private information, doesn't it? Of course, with all of B.O.'s homeland security spying, it's not like they don't have it anyway.
Resist socialism. Resist tyranny. Stand strong and keep the pressure on our elected officials. You'll thank me later.
Monday, November 4, 2013
Shut 'er Down
Are you familiar with the story of Henny Penny? It's a children's story about a chicken (Henny) that has an acorn fall on her head and she becomes convinced that the sky is falling. She then attempts to convince the others around her that the sky is falling.
In the looming budget impasse and government shut down, replace Henny with B.O. and you have the exact same story. The world is going to end as we know it is being trumpeted by b.o. and his minions in the msm. If we don't listen to him and fund obamacare- the government will shut down and people won't be able to eat, breathe, drive or exist is the current talking points out of the beltway.
Hooey. Did you know that in the DC area they are not experiencing b.o.'s depression like we are? In fact, the economy is up 24% in the areas where they are able to set their own rules and not have to live by the ones inflicted on us by b.o. Amazing how much better off we could be if we didn't have to obey those rules, isn't it?
But not us peons, thank you. We don't get to opt out of obamacare. We don't get subsidized housing, food and transportation. Nope, not us. But we do get to pay for them to have it. Yes, indeedy. We are the lucky sould who pay for our elected officials to maintain at least two homes. We get to pay for their staff, their homes and upkeep, and to top it all off, we allow them to make rules for themselves that we don't get to have.
Martha Stewart went to jail for insider trading. A friend told her his stock was about to crap out and she did what any of us would have done. She sold it. That sent Ms. Stewart to prison. Nancy Pelosi does it all of the time. Harry Reid is 12548% wealthier then he was when he went into the senate. Why? Because they are allowed to profit from the very inside information that they receive as members of the senate and congress. Does that seem fair to you?
This year and in the past six years, the House of Representatives has sent over a Bill making it illegal for our elected officials to profit from insider information. Mr. Reid will not allow it to come onto the floor for a vote. What does that tell you?
I do not think that we will suffer catastrophic losses when the government shuts down. We didn't in 1995 when Speaker Gingrich forced slick willie into actually living with in our means. Not that he gets credit for it, of course. If you read any history of the time, it was only Clinton's brilliant maneuvering which allowed him to be forced into a corner with the government shut downs which resulted in real reforms. What a genius. And all while he was having sex with at least three different women. What a multitasker.
So all of that narrative came about when the msm has a choke hold on the information that was disseminated to the public. Now, with the internet, we can bypass the msm toadies who still offer their oral services to the White House, and get the information without their 'helpful' spin. (How they must love the law of unintended consequences)
So all of that brings me to this: the msm and b.o cannot control the message when it comes to a government shutdown.. They can still scare the low information voter who still trusts the msm for news, but the rest of us know the truth. There isn't that much government that we really need, and the sooner we stop paying for it and others see how little government we all need- we can go about the business of whittling away the dead wood and produce a healthier leaner government for all of us. It may mean that b.o. can no longer take the wife, kids, mother-in law, niece,and nephew on a one hundred million dollar vacay, but heck. we all have to make sacrifices, don't we? Think about the last vacation you took. Was it a weekend away- or a tenth of a billion dollar raping of the public trust and economy? You'll thank me later.
In the looming budget impasse and government shut down, replace Henny with B.O. and you have the exact same story. The world is going to end as we know it is being trumpeted by b.o. and his minions in the msm. If we don't listen to him and fund obamacare- the government will shut down and people won't be able to eat, breathe, drive or exist is the current talking points out of the beltway.
Hooey. Did you know that in the DC area they are not experiencing b.o.'s depression like we are? In fact, the economy is up 24% in the areas where they are able to set their own rules and not have to live by the ones inflicted on us by b.o. Amazing how much better off we could be if we didn't have to obey those rules, isn't it?
But not us peons, thank you. We don't get to opt out of obamacare. We don't get subsidized housing, food and transportation. Nope, not us. But we do get to pay for them to have it. Yes, indeedy. We are the lucky sould who pay for our elected officials to maintain at least two homes. We get to pay for their staff, their homes and upkeep, and to top it all off, we allow them to make rules for themselves that we don't get to have.
Martha Stewart went to jail for insider trading. A friend told her his stock was about to crap out and she did what any of us would have done. She sold it. That sent Ms. Stewart to prison. Nancy Pelosi does it all of the time. Harry Reid is 12548% wealthier then he was when he went into the senate. Why? Because they are allowed to profit from the very inside information that they receive as members of the senate and congress. Does that seem fair to you?
This year and in the past six years, the House of Representatives has sent over a Bill making it illegal for our elected officials to profit from insider information. Mr. Reid will not allow it to come onto the floor for a vote. What does that tell you?
I do not think that we will suffer catastrophic losses when the government shuts down. We didn't in 1995 when Speaker Gingrich forced slick willie into actually living with in our means. Not that he gets credit for it, of course. If you read any history of the time, it was only Clinton's brilliant maneuvering which allowed him to be forced into a corner with the government shut downs which resulted in real reforms. What a genius. And all while he was having sex with at least three different women. What a multitasker.
So all of that narrative came about when the msm has a choke hold on the information that was disseminated to the public. Now, with the internet, we can bypass the msm toadies who still offer their oral services to the White House, and get the information without their 'helpful' spin. (How they must love the law of unintended consequences)
So all of that brings me to this: the msm and b.o cannot control the message when it comes to a government shutdown.. They can still scare the low information voter who still trusts the msm for news, but the rest of us know the truth. There isn't that much government that we really need, and the sooner we stop paying for it and others see how little government we all need- we can go about the business of whittling away the dead wood and produce a healthier leaner government for all of us. It may mean that b.o. can no longer take the wife, kids, mother-in law, niece,and nephew on a one hundred million dollar vacay, but heck. we all have to make sacrifices, don't we? Think about the last vacation you took. Was it a weekend away- or a tenth of a billion dollar raping of the public trust and economy? You'll thank me later.
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