Kathleen Sebelius has a lot of company. As of October 23,2013, she has joined Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice under the bus. All three of these stupid women put their reputations on the line for him and how did he thank them? By making them look like lying, ineffectual, doddering fools, that's how.
On September 11, 2012 our embassy in Benghazi was attacked and four people were killed. While there is rampant speculation that they were in fact running guns to arm the opposition in the area ( a charge that if proven sure sounds like Fast and Furious Islamic Style) team B.O. sent the uber sop Susan Rice out to all of the Sunday morning "news" programs to tout the moronic idea that it wasn't the anniversary of September 11th that caused all of those mud dwellers to rise up and murder in the most heinous way possible our Ambassador and three others. If that were the case, two months before an election, mind you, why that would make B.O. look the leader that he is- wholly ineffectual. So Ms.Rice drew the short straw and made the rounds, lying her head off and blaming the terrorist attack on an obscure youtube video that hadn't been seen by anyone. That's one chick under the wheels.
Fast forward to Republicans wanting some answers as to why the people who could have helped on that night were told to 'stand down' and why B.O. was more interested in getting a good night's sleep then he was in being a leader.
Mrs. Clinton-ugly birth control glasses and all-finally showed her true colors when she slammed her hands down on the desk in front of her and uttered the end of her political aspirations, "At this point, what difference does it make?" If there were any words she could pull back-besides the moonbat crazy 'right wing conspiracy' to explain slick willie's penchant for hummers from fat chicks in the Oval office-it would be those. She also touted the known lie about an obscure video from some dupe. Said dupe was promptly arrested for something else, and has since dropped of the planet as far as the media is concerned. She and D.B. Cooper have become a myth as far as the msm is concerned.
Now enters Ms. Sebelius. I bet she thought it was a great idea to be in charge of socialized medicine back when it was offered to her. Now she comes out today and tells the world (with a straight face, mind you) that Barrack Hussein Obama-the most ham fisted, overly controlling, useless president in a generation, had 'No idea that obamacare wasn't ready for the public'!!
I squirted coffee out of my nose when I read that little bon mot. Seriously?? What does he have over these women that he can force them to make such career ending comments for him?
And why is it that he never throws a man under that bus? For the champion of women's rights, you would think that those crones over at NOW could maybe take a gander at his track record and stop the endless fawning. Of course, that would entail admitting to their endless list of mistakes, and we all know that that isn't happening. Remember how many of those feminist weasels still supported slick willie even after it was proven that he had lied about one intern and had lied about sexually harassing another? I guess all of their credibility being blown away was worth it to them to be able to continue being able to suction babies from their wombs, who knows?
Consider these things when you vote in 2014. Do you really want such an avid woman hater to have unchecked power for two years? You'll thank me later.
Monday, October 28, 2013
Monday, October 21, 2013
Minimum Wage Strikes
I had to walk through a line of three people shuffling outside a McDonald's last week. They were holding homemade signs that demanded $10.00 an hour. They called it a living wage. Heck, make it $15.00 so they can live even better, right? The irony of that is that thanks to obamacare- even if they were making $15.00 an hour, with the 29 hours they would be scheduled, they still couldn't live on it!
If obamacare isn't repealed and defunded, burger flippers aren't the only ones who will be holding up signs. Unfortunately, the signs will say 'Will work for Food' and we'll all be holding one. Socializing over twenty percent of the economy is so stupid, even the Congress has voted themselves out of it. Pity we don't get that option, huh?
Of course-two brave Senators-Cruz and Lee are threatening to filibuster the budget amendment. Rubio is making some sort of me too, noise, but he is probably still massaging his colon after the pounding it took when he was used by McCain. The msm, in typical hubris is screaming that this is the law of the land!!! This is already settled and we won-neener neener. I guess they have never heard of things being overturned. The laws that Democrats put in place to keep minorities from voting were overturned, the laws that were in place to tax people to vote-also put in place by Democrats- were overturned. It happens, they may as well get used to the idea.
Of course, the old guard GOP is only too happy to go along with whatever they are told to do. McConnell and company are only in the position they are because the Tea Party has saved them from political obscurity. Like the Tories. Like the Whigs.
The old guard of the GOP-McCain for example- is only too happy to take the momentum that is offered by the Tea Party-but then expect us to sit in the back of the bus and know our place.
But all of that is off topic from the idiots who areasking,demanding, striking for the unrealistic wage of ten dollars per hour to flip burgers.
If your only skill set is working at a fast food place, maybe you should look into some sort of education for yourself. The military offers excellent training for people, and they pay you. How cool is that?
Minimum wage jobs are not meant to be a lifestyle. They are meant to be a starter job. Something that will give you skills to take with you to your next, hopefully better job. Can you imagine the inflation if these clowns are actually successful?
We don't live in a vacuum, those ten dollar an hour jobs will create seven dollar hamburgers. No more cheap fast food, it will be a dead thing of the past. That in turn will cause the restaurants to fire people and it will be all George W. Bush's fault.
President Reagan said the best social program is a job. When obamacare is repealed and replaced with something that will stop the depression we are in, it will be a much better world. Those old guard politicians (from both parties) better get used to the idea. They'll thank me later.
If obamacare isn't repealed and defunded, burger flippers aren't the only ones who will be holding up signs. Unfortunately, the signs will say 'Will work for Food' and we'll all be holding one. Socializing over twenty percent of the economy is so stupid, even the Congress has voted themselves out of it. Pity we don't get that option, huh?
Of course-two brave Senators-Cruz and Lee are threatening to filibuster the budget amendment. Rubio is making some sort of me too, noise, but he is probably still massaging his colon after the pounding it took when he was used by McCain. The msm, in typical hubris is screaming that this is the law of the land!!! This is already settled and we won-neener neener. I guess they have never heard of things being overturned. The laws that Democrats put in place to keep minorities from voting were overturned, the laws that were in place to tax people to vote-also put in place by Democrats- were overturned. It happens, they may as well get used to the idea.
Of course, the old guard GOP is only too happy to go along with whatever they are told to do. McConnell and company are only in the position they are because the Tea Party has saved them from political obscurity. Like the Tories. Like the Whigs.
The old guard of the GOP-McCain for example- is only too happy to take the momentum that is offered by the Tea Party-but then expect us to sit in the back of the bus and know our place.
But all of that is off topic from the idiots who are
If your only skill set is working at a fast food place, maybe you should look into some sort of education for yourself. The military offers excellent training for people, and they pay you. How cool is that?
Minimum wage jobs are not meant to be a lifestyle. They are meant to be a starter job. Something that will give you skills to take with you to your next, hopefully better job. Can you imagine the inflation if these clowns are actually successful?
We don't live in a vacuum, those ten dollar an hour jobs will create seven dollar hamburgers. No more cheap fast food, it will be a dead thing of the past. That in turn will cause the restaurants to fire people and it will be all George W. Bush's fault.
President Reagan said the best social program is a job. When obamacare is repealed and replaced with something that will stop the depression we are in, it will be a much better world. Those old guard politicians (from both parties) better get used to the idea. They'll thank me later.
Monday, October 14, 2013
What Kind of Loser Advertises on MSNBC?
I was tooling through Facebook this afternoon, and I saw the daily dose of stupidity/idiocy from Schultz and Matthews. It's kind of handy, it saves all the aggravation of actually having to watch it. But that made me curious, so I did a little research into the viewership of these two backbones of excessive liberal broadcasting.
On the night in question, Ed Schulz had almost a million viewers. Not. even. one. million. While that may sound like a big deal, realize that if he were a local program in New York City or Los Angeles, he wouldn't even be getting a decent market share!
Estimating that there are 250,000,000 people in the United States of America, this rotund loser pulls in a whopping .025 percent of them. Yikes!
Chris 'Tingle' Matthews doesn't do any better. He has been shuffled around more than a disruptive foster child, just hoping to find that liberal loser who 1) still has a job or 2) still pays for cable television. I think at least ten percent of the viewership for either of these losers is probably people who watch it simply to post the latest bat crap crazy thing they've said on FaceBook.
I don't know why conservatives agree to be on the programs in the first place. Here is the standard operating procedure for these liberal programs. First, you have a crazy host who advocates for whatever crazy socialist idea that B.O. has dreamed up this week. Second, you put two sycophants on the discussion panel who will agree lock step with whatever is spewed by the host. Finally, you find one person (the dumber the better) to advocate the conservative position, and spend the entire segment being shouted down by the other three.
I quite watching that years ago. There was a time when Fox News was so refreshing, they actually had conservative hosts, with conservative guests who didn't allow the liberals to shout them down. I guess I wasn't the only one who enjoyed it, Fox News kicks butt and takes names in the ratings.
Of course, Fox still offers the token liberal. Bob Beckal or Juan Williams usually stand in for the current administration. I don't understand Mr. Williams. He was fired from Public Broadcasting for stating his opinion- one of the few that I agree with. He said that he gets nervous when he is flying and he sees someone in a habib or in muslim garb. I do also. It probably has something to do with the group of them flying our airplanes into our buildings. Maybe that's it.
I know that when I am looking to advertise my business, I look for the programs and areas that people are actually watching. The losers who are using MSNBC must be truly desperate. Or related to each other. Same difference. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
On the night in question, Ed Schulz had almost a million viewers. Not. even. one. million. While that may sound like a big deal, realize that if he were a local program in New York City or Los Angeles, he wouldn't even be getting a decent market share!
Estimating that there are 250,000,000 people in the United States of America, this rotund loser pulls in a whopping .025 percent of them. Yikes!
Chris 'Tingle' Matthews doesn't do any better. He has been shuffled around more than a disruptive foster child, just hoping to find that liberal loser who 1) still has a job or 2) still pays for cable television. I think at least ten percent of the viewership for either of these losers is probably people who watch it simply to post the latest bat crap crazy thing they've said on FaceBook.
I don't know why conservatives agree to be on the programs in the first place. Here is the standard operating procedure for these liberal programs. First, you have a crazy host who advocates for whatever crazy socialist idea that B.O. has dreamed up this week. Second, you put two sycophants on the discussion panel who will agree lock step with whatever is spewed by the host. Finally, you find one person (the dumber the better) to advocate the conservative position, and spend the entire segment being shouted down by the other three.
I quite watching that years ago. There was a time when Fox News was so refreshing, they actually had conservative hosts, with conservative guests who didn't allow the liberals to shout them down. I guess I wasn't the only one who enjoyed it, Fox News kicks butt and takes names in the ratings.
Of course, Fox still offers the token liberal. Bob Beckal or Juan Williams usually stand in for the current administration. I don't understand Mr. Williams. He was fired from Public Broadcasting for stating his opinion- one of the few that I agree with. He said that he gets nervous when he is flying and he sees someone in a habib or in muslim garb. I do also. It probably has something to do with the group of them flying our airplanes into our buildings. Maybe that's it.
I know that when I am looking to advertise my business, I look for the programs and areas that people are actually watching. The losers who are using MSNBC must be truly desperate. Or related to each other. Same difference. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, October 7, 2013
A Trip to the Social Security Building or the Third Circle Of Hell?
I had to get a copy of my Social Security Card this week and I (foolishly) thought it would be faster to just make a trip to the Social Security Office to pick it up. I was there 20 minutes after they opened and I was 56th in line. I took a number. I looked around and I began to wonder a few things.
First of all, why do we pay an armed guard to sit there for the whole day? It used to be a real police officer, and I guess enough people asked why we were paying someone over 30k a year to just sit there at a desk and read. Now we pay a renta-cop who knows what to just sit there.
Are they expecting trouble from the flood of retirees and disabled folk? I suppose that they guy with crutches, and the couple that are 150 years old combined might start some trouble, but it would be short in duration, I'll bet.
Is there any trouble that the renta cop is better trained to stop then the fifty or so of us who are short tempered from sitting there for over an hour? I'll bet not.
Second, three of the people who were there worked alone at a computer for the entire time that I was there, never once helping anyone. What are they doing that is so important that they couldn't help the one person who was sitting at a desk helping and the one person who was behind the counter helping?
Third, what are we paying those people, clearly it is too much. The average wait that I saw was forty two minutes. If it takes almost an hour for a person to be helped, why aren't there more people helping? Even Walmart is fluid with there scheduling. How about if you have more people there on busy days- say Monday and Friday- and less people there on Tuesday? That's just crazy enough to work.
Also, why does it take over 15 people to run an office? Couldn't we streamline that into- say seven? I'm thinking about all of the ridiculous benefits that we were paying those people to sit at a computer and eat a bagel. That's crazy.
I guess the sequester didn't cover that. It only stopped school children from touring the White House.
We must find a way to make our government more responsive to us, the people who are paying for it. We pay them too much, and don't get a fair value for our money. Why do they work banker's hours? No one else does, anymore.
How about if they start rearranging their workers so that they can be open longer than just eight to three? They certainly have enough people on the payroll if they staggered them out. I would think that they have enough people in that office to be open 24 hours a day. I have seen convenience stores manage it with only five people on the payroll. You would think the United States Government could figure it out if a Jiffy Store can,
Consider if you are getting your money's worth from the Social Security Office near you. You'll thank me later.
First of all, why do we pay an armed guard to sit there for the whole day? It used to be a real police officer, and I guess enough people asked why we were paying someone over 30k a year to just sit there at a desk and read. Now we pay a renta-cop who knows what to just sit there.
Are they expecting trouble from the flood of retirees and disabled folk? I suppose that they guy with crutches, and the couple that are 150 years old combined might start some trouble, but it would be short in duration, I'll bet.
Is there any trouble that the renta cop is better trained to stop then the fifty or so of us who are short tempered from sitting there for over an hour? I'll bet not.
Second, three of the people who were there worked alone at a computer for the entire time that I was there, never once helping anyone. What are they doing that is so important that they couldn't help the one person who was sitting at a desk helping and the one person who was behind the counter helping?
Third, what are we paying those people, clearly it is too much. The average wait that I saw was forty two minutes. If it takes almost an hour for a person to be helped, why aren't there more people helping? Even Walmart is fluid with there scheduling. How about if you have more people there on busy days- say Monday and Friday- and less people there on Tuesday? That's just crazy enough to work.
Also, why does it take over 15 people to run an office? Couldn't we streamline that into- say seven? I'm thinking about all of the ridiculous benefits that we were paying those people to sit at a computer and eat a bagel. That's crazy.
I guess the sequester didn't cover that. It only stopped school children from touring the White House.
We must find a way to make our government more responsive to us, the people who are paying for it. We pay them too much, and don't get a fair value for our money. Why do they work banker's hours? No one else does, anymore.
How about if they start rearranging their workers so that they can be open longer than just eight to three? They certainly have enough people on the payroll if they staggered them out. I would think that they have enough people in that office to be open 24 hours a day. I have seen convenience stores manage it with only five people on the payroll. You would think the United States Government could figure it out if a Jiffy Store can,
Consider if you are getting your money's worth from the Social Security Office near you. You'll thank me later.
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