Obama care is the law of the land. (Thanks Roberts, you toady fool) They had to pass it to see what was in it, and now that people are seeing it- they are also seeing red. Following exactly what many conservative groups said would happen (and which the msm and others poo- pooed) most businesses are cutting their full time employees down to part time hours so as not to have to provide them with insurance.
Who didn't see this coming? I know I saw it coming as soon as Roberts was shown a picture, video or whatever it was that caused him to endorse this debacle with a strangle hold on our economy. So what is the solution?
Instead of paying people for 40 hours of work- many many employers are simply cutting the hours that they schedule their employees to work. Walmart perfected this practice years ago- it began scheduling full time employees a maximum of 38 hours. Try feeding your family and having a life with 38 hours on a paycheck. I dare you.
A lot of people are having to work two jobs now. That part is kind of tricky, they had a hard enough time finding one job-now they have to have two of them. They also have to work out the scheduling for these two part time jobs and still try and maintain any kind of home/personal life.
On top of that- the benefits for working part time are practically non existent. Good luck with that. Thanks to b.o. a person who used to have a mediocre job that could pay the bills if not much else-now has a part time job. They have no benefits. They have no insurance. They do have a giant bill in the form of their obamacare policy. The cheapest one starts out around 6K.
So start calling your elected officials. Put pressure on them to repeal this debacle. Support those Governors that are refusing to set up the exchanges. Death from a thousand cuts is the only way to kill this socialized monster. Trust me. You'll thank me later.
Monday, July 29, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
Paula Deen Makes the Best Pecan Pie in the World!!
Was Richard Pryor a racist? How about Chris Rock? Tyler Perry? Maybe Eddie Murphy was a racist? I'm just listing the comedians that I can think of off the top of my head that have used the word that Paula Deen is being castigated for using.
Ms. Deen grew up in the south. That word, while ugly and demeaning, was used quite frequently in the south, and for that matter I have heard it quite a bit while living in the northern area. My ex father in law was the mental and racial equivalent of Archie Bunker. He liked to throw that ugly word around when ever he got the chance. It wasn't until my son was punished for using that ignorant, hate filled word that he adjusted it to 'noogle'. What can I tell you? He was a stupid, ignorant man who was raised by stupid ignorant people. I scraped his useless son off my shoes and didn't look back.
The difference is that Paula Deen used the word in the fifties. The ignorant father in law used it in the last few years before he died.
What do my ignorant ex father in law and Richard Pryor have in common besides being on the other side of the turf? They both threw that word around like it was nothing. Chris Rock (one of the most racist performers I have ever witnessed) throws that word around as well. Eddie Murphy at least had the benefit of being funny, but I have heard him drop the n-bomb as well. Is it okay if you are black?
I used to love Nick at Nite when it had the old sit coms from the sixties-Get Smart, the Monkees, Laugh In. Those were hilarious! Then it moved forward and had programs that I grew up with- The Jefferson's, All in the Family, Alice. Not nearly as funny. But while George Jefferson could call his white neighbor (portrayed as a kindly idiot of course) a honky- that was fine. Let Archie Bunker call one black person by the n word and stop the presses! The politically correct crowd was screaming from the roof tops. Boycotts! Embargoes! Letters to stations were reportedly on their way. Even Reverend Baby Daddy and everyone's favorite opportunist Al Sharpton got in on the action.
Everyone's favorite felon Martha Stewart was able to rehabilitate her image after spending a year in jail for the felony of insider trading. She came out of her white collar prison and took up where she left off. There were no cries for boycotts. Kmart and others still sell her merchandise. Her business empire is still going along swimmingly. So a stupid felony (that I would have committed also) is acceptable-but a word from decades ago isn't? That is quite the double standard.
My point is this: Paula Deen used an ugly word a long time ago. She apologized for it. The accusation came from an employee who was fired for incompetence, and no one else heard the racial slur. Ms. Deen denied using the word in her presence and she apologized. In three words : let it go.
I don't believe I will frequent the stores who feel the need to boycott Ms. Deen. Let it go. She has apologized ad nauseum. Leave her alone. And if you get the chance- make her pecan pie recipe. You'll thank me later.
Ms. Deen grew up in the south. That word, while ugly and demeaning, was used quite frequently in the south, and for that matter I have heard it quite a bit while living in the northern area. My ex father in law was the mental and racial equivalent of Archie Bunker. He liked to throw that ugly word around when ever he got the chance. It wasn't until my son was punished for using that ignorant, hate filled word that he adjusted it to 'noogle'. What can I tell you? He was a stupid, ignorant man who was raised by stupid ignorant people. I scraped his useless son off my shoes and didn't look back.
The difference is that Paula Deen used the word in the fifties. The ignorant father in law used it in the last few years before he died.
What do my ignorant ex father in law and Richard Pryor have in common besides being on the other side of the turf? They both threw that word around like it was nothing. Chris Rock (one of the most racist performers I have ever witnessed) throws that word around as well. Eddie Murphy at least had the benefit of being funny, but I have heard him drop the n-bomb as well. Is it okay if you are black?
I used to love Nick at Nite when it had the old sit coms from the sixties-Get Smart, the Monkees, Laugh In. Those were hilarious! Then it moved forward and had programs that I grew up with- The Jefferson's, All in the Family, Alice. Not nearly as funny. But while George Jefferson could call his white neighbor (portrayed as a kindly idiot of course) a honky- that was fine. Let Archie Bunker call one black person by the n word and stop the presses! The politically correct crowd was screaming from the roof tops. Boycotts! Embargoes! Letters to stations were reportedly on their way. Even Reverend Baby Daddy and everyone's favorite opportunist Al Sharpton got in on the action.
Everyone's favorite felon Martha Stewart was able to rehabilitate her image after spending a year in jail for the felony of insider trading. She came out of her white collar prison and took up where she left off. There were no cries for boycotts. Kmart and others still sell her merchandise. Her business empire is still going along swimmingly. So a stupid felony (that I would have committed also) is acceptable-but a word from decades ago isn't? That is quite the double standard.
My point is this: Paula Deen used an ugly word a long time ago. She apologized for it. The accusation came from an employee who was fired for incompetence, and no one else heard the racial slur. Ms. Deen denied using the word in her presence and she apologized. In three words : let it go.
I don't believe I will frequent the stores who feel the need to boycott Ms. Deen. Let it go. She has apologized ad nauseum. Leave her alone. And if you get the chance- make her pecan pie recipe. You'll thank me later.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Yet Another Opportunity for Obama to Leech from the American Taxpayer
Let me be very clear: we will not hesitate to take swift enforcement action – using every legal tool that remains available to us – against any jurisdiction that seeks to take advantage of the Supreme Court’s ruling by hindering eligible citizens’ full and free exercise of the franchise…
…As the President has made clear, Congress needs to act to make sure every American has equal access to the polls. Eric HolderDoes anyone remember the Black Panthers standing in front of a voting place with clubs? Does anyone remember what happened to those two fellows who were clearly intimidating any would be voters? No? Well, in two words: jack squat.
It was a non issue to Eric Holder. I'm certain that if there had been guys in white robes that were swinging clubs in front of a voting area, then Eric Holder would have pulled a Janet Reno and burned them to the ground like she did in Waco and the Branch Davidian compound.
I love the smell of hypocrisy in the morning, it makes everything smell like Washington D.C. doesn't it?
Speaking of hypocrisy, when is the last time that you took your spouse, two children, Mother in law and three nieces and nephews on a one hundred million dollar vacation and got some other
While the msm has done a remarkable job enabling the Obamas, can you imagine the outrage if President Bush had decided to take a tax payer funded vacation with every mooching relative he could dig up? For that matter, if Barbara Bush had been invited to
Obama and his mooching family need to go, and go now. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
O Thank God that Obama had the Foresight to Exclude Himself from the Sequester
Have you had to curtail your vacation plans because of the economy? You aren't alone, many of us are either not going anywhere, or not going for as long as we would like to go. That is, if we can even afford to go in the first place. I am hoping to see the ocean later this summer, but right now, that's iffy. Of course, if I could sucker the taxpayers , keep myself out of the sequester, and know that the good old American taxpayers would have to foot the bill, I could be living high on the hog, like the Obama's.
I have been able to get out to the lake for a couple of weekends this summer, and I'm pretty happy with that. If the msm were at all legitimate, they would be screaming this from the roof tops. They only seem able to get their collective panties in a bunch when it directly affects them- like the Obama White House's tapping of their phone lines.
When I read this, many many questions came to mind. 1) What kind of food are they serving on this flight? 2) Why couldn't someone pack some sandwiches for the flight. That's what I do. 3) Why are the extended family of the current administration on this trip? Why should we have to pay for them? 4) If President Bush had decided to take his daughters on a Spring Break vacation with thirty or so of their closest pals, would the msm have been this acquiescent? In a word: no.
They were wetting themselves every time the Bush family went home to Texas for a vacation. The place where they live, where they were from and where it costed very little tax payer money to accommodate. Silly Bushes.
Are you struggling financially? A lot of people are, these are ridiculously hard times right now. I have many more people coming into my store to sell things than to buy them, it seems. Thanks to obamacare- many jobs are scheduling people for 30 hours or less so that they don't have to provide them insurance. Can you feed your family on thirty hours a week? That is part time, and now people are going to have to find another job, just to supplement the other job that they have. There is no choice-they just got their pay cut by 25%!
But luckily, Obama had the foresight to exclude himself and his family from the effects of the sequester. That was smart thinking on his part, no?
So if we are spending this much money just to fly the Obama's and their extended family to their latest vacay-how much does the actual trip set us back?? Demand answers from our elected officials. You'll thank me later.
I have been able to get out to the lake for a couple of weekends this summer, and I'm pretty happy with that. If the msm were at all legitimate, they would be screaming this from the roof tops. They only seem able to get their collective panties in a bunch when it directly affects them- like the Obama White House's tapping of their phone lines.
- According to U.S. Department of Defense’s published hourly rates for the C-32A aircraft used for the trip, Judicial Watch calculated the total cost to American taxpayers was $424,142 for use of the aircraft (34.8 flight hours x $12,188 per hour). (The C-32 is a specially configured military version of the Boeing 757.) Other expenses – meals (off the plane), transportation, security, various services, etc. – have yet to be disclosed.
- The passenger manifests confirm the presence of Obama’s daughter’s, Malia and Sasha on the trip. The two girls are listed as “Senior Staff.” The manifests also list Mrs. Obama’s mother, Marian Robinson, and niece and nephew, Leslie and Avery Robinson, as well Mrs. Obama’s makeup and hairstylist (Carl Ray and Johnny Wright).
- The expense records also show $928.44 was spent for “bulk food” purchases on flight. Overall, during the trip, 192 meals were served for the 21 passengers on board.
When I read this, many many questions came to mind. 1) What kind of food are they serving on this flight? 2) Why couldn't someone pack some sandwiches for the flight. That's what I do. 3) Why are the extended family of the current administration on this trip? Why should we have to pay for them? 4) If President Bush had decided to take his daughters on a Spring Break vacation with thirty or so of their closest pals, would the msm have been this acquiescent? In a word: no.
They were wetting themselves every time the Bush family went home to Texas for a vacation. The place where they live, where they were from and where it costed very little tax payer money to accommodate. Silly Bushes.
Are you struggling financially? A lot of people are, these are ridiculously hard times right now. I have many more people coming into my store to sell things than to buy them, it seems. Thanks to obamacare- many jobs are scheduling people for 30 hours or less so that they don't have to provide them insurance. Can you feed your family on thirty hours a week? That is part time, and now people are going to have to find another job, just to supplement the other job that they have. There is no choice-they just got their pay cut by 25%!
But luckily, Obama had the foresight to exclude himself and his family from the effects of the sequester. That was smart thinking on his part, no?
So if we are spending this much money just to fly the Obama's and their extended family to their latest vacay-how much does the actual trip set us back?? Demand answers from our elected officials. You'll thank me later.
Monday, July 8, 2013
Illegal in Mexico
The Supreme Court struck down an Arizona law that required people to prove that they are an American before they can vote. What was their tortured logic? There is already a law like that in the federal laws, so the Arizona law wasn't needed. Riiiiight.
Is there a cognizant person alive today who doesn't know that B.O. stole the last election? From voter suppression to carrying 100% of the vote in districts in Pennsylvania to receiving 108% of the vote in districts in Ohio (not too surprisingly, the states with suspicious ballot issues are all states with many electoral votes up for grabs) there is widespread evidence that B.O. simply took his Chicago style vote machine tactics onto a national scale.
When it was proven that Kennedy had in fact stolen votes in the election vs. Nixon- the media yawned. Kennedy was their golden boy. That is, when he wasn't enjoying one of his numerous peccadillos with mob connections, using drugs excessively to control his lower back pain, or trading Marylin Monroe to his younger brother, of course. For the msm to write anything that would cast Kennedy in a bad light would be the same as being ex-communicated. They just wouldn't take the chance.
But the so called 'gang of eight' came up with an asinine plan to let the millions of illegals in our country stay by paying a fine, and receiving a brisk slap on the risk. They even tricked the leading Senate moron Marco Rubio into being the mouth piece for this stupidity. I read that Senator Schumer bragged that the liberals would write the legislation and Rubio would write the talking points
.Wow! So Rubio has alienated the very people who put him in office so that the liberals could use him like a sanitary pad and throw him away. Not a great career move for Mr. Rubio, was it?
If an illegal alien sneaks across the United States border successfully, they are awarded with welfare, a free education for their children, free food, free housing, and living conditions that are fifty times better than the armpit that they left behind them. Nice deal, no? Plus- the minute that they drop an "anchor baby" on American soil, they are entitled to a host of benefits all courtesy of those of us who are paying taxes and the bills.
However, if you are caught living in Mexico illegally-or even crossing Mexico illegally to get to the the United States gravy train it is considered a felony. You will go to a Mexican jail and serve time that is harsher than anything allowed in the United States.
Only people with a marketable skill are allowed to live and work in Mexico. There is no sneaking into their country and stealing their resources. If you don't have a job skill that they need, you have zero chance of being allowed there.
They have quotas, as well. If the number of immigrants would upset the balance of their racial numbers, then the immigrants are not allowed. They have a majority of brown people and they mean to keep it that way.
So why doesn't the United States of America simply adopt a mirror and reciprocating immigration policy? Whatever the country from which the Illegal Alien is coming will be the law that applies to the illegal caught in the United States of America. Call and ask your elected officials why we don't do that. You'll thank me later.
Is there a cognizant person alive today who doesn't know that B.O. stole the last election? From voter suppression to carrying 100% of the vote in districts in Pennsylvania to receiving 108% of the vote in districts in Ohio (not too surprisingly, the states with suspicious ballot issues are all states with many electoral votes up for grabs) there is widespread evidence that B.O. simply took his Chicago style vote machine tactics onto a national scale.
When it was proven that Kennedy had in fact stolen votes in the election vs. Nixon- the media yawned. Kennedy was their golden boy. That is, when he wasn't enjoying one of his numerous peccadillos with mob connections, using drugs excessively to control his lower back pain, or trading Marylin Monroe to his younger brother, of course. For the msm to write anything that would cast Kennedy in a bad light would be the same as being ex-communicated. They just wouldn't take the chance.
But the so called 'gang of eight' came up with an asinine plan to let the millions of illegals in our country stay by paying a fine, and receiving a brisk slap on the risk. They even tricked the leading Senate moron Marco Rubio into being the mouth piece for this stupidity. I read that Senator Schumer bragged that the liberals would write the legislation and Rubio would write the talking points
.Wow! So Rubio has alienated the very people who put him in office so that the liberals could use him like a sanitary pad and throw him away. Not a great career move for Mr. Rubio, was it?
If an illegal alien sneaks across the United States border successfully, they are awarded with welfare, a free education for their children, free food, free housing, and living conditions that are fifty times better than the armpit that they left behind them. Nice deal, no? Plus- the minute that they drop an "anchor baby" on American soil, they are entitled to a host of benefits all courtesy of those of us who are paying taxes and the bills.
However, if you are caught living in Mexico illegally-or even crossing Mexico illegally to get to the the United States gravy train it is considered a felony. You will go to a Mexican jail and serve time that is harsher than anything allowed in the United States.
Only people with a marketable skill are allowed to live and work in Mexico. There is no sneaking into their country and stealing their resources. If you don't have a job skill that they need, you have zero chance of being allowed there.
They have quotas, as well. If the number of immigrants would upset the balance of their racial numbers, then the immigrants are not allowed. They have a majority of brown people and they mean to keep it that way.
So why doesn't the United States of America simply adopt a mirror and reciprocating immigration policy? Whatever the country from which the Illegal Alien is coming will be the law that applies to the illegal caught in the United States of America. Call and ask your elected officials why we don't do that. You'll thank me later.
Monday, July 1, 2013
...And That's Why I Carried the Ax to Work
I did my friend a favor. He needed to get rid of some fluorescent bulbs and he asked me to throw them in my trash. I said I would (and no, I don't care if I just released fifteen pounds of carcinogens into the atmosphere) and he gave me an ax to use the handle so that I could break them up. Not a problem, he's a good friend, I know that he would do the same for me.
I put the bulbs in my trash and then gently tapped them with the handle. I was wearing safety glasses that protected my face, Momma, and I made sure to wear gloves and a long sleeve shirt. In about five minutes, the bulbs were broken and my trashcan was set to the curb. I thought no more about it.
Today, I remembered to bring the ax back to friend I had done the favor for. That may be the highlight of my week, so much so, that I start carrying an ax back and forth from work to home.
First, my annoying neighbor with the biting dog snatched that dog inside. He only got out one half of one annoying yip, and the neighbor had the dog air born. The last notes of the yip are still hanging in the air like one of those word bubbles in a comic book. (Graphic novel, sorry) I despise the little biting rat. I laughed out loud.
Next, the crazy neighbor who always talks about something from 1978 suddenly remembered something inside and didn't even call out to me. I'm thinking that the ax is the best accessory since my keys. It's not that heavy, and people really do seem to notice it. The folks who walk two wide on the sidewalk all made a path for me. It was great.
Finally, at the curb, not one car seemed to have a problem with me walking across the street. No one rushed into the intersection. No one stopped ten inches away while I crossed. No one made eye contact. It was fantastic! Kind of like walking in my own little world. I may have to start bringing an ax back and forth more often. If you get the chance, try it.
And before I forget, enjoy your Holiday weekend. Every single time that I look up at the fireworks, I remember displays from times past. It's my own little time travelling device. From fireworks in Lake City, Florida to Chicago at Great Lakes Naval Base (where the guy stood in front of the display and took his leg off at the knee) I remember who I was with (once my best friend in the whole world where we traded burgers for beers and another time I was with the first love of my life.) Another great fireworks display was at Disney World. That was quite possibly the best fire works I have ever seen. They set them to the 1812 Overture. Breathtaking. So celbrate all that is wonderful about our Republic. Just leave the ax out of your commute. You'll thank me later.
And before I forget, enjoy your Holiday weekend. Every single time that I look up at the fireworks, I remember displays from times past. It's my own little time travelling device. From fireworks in Lake City, Florida to Chicago at Great Lakes Naval Base (where the guy stood in front of the display and took his leg off at the knee) I remember who I was with (once my best friend in the whole world where we traded burgers for beers and another time I was with the first love of my life.) Another great fireworks display was at Disney World. That was quite possibly the best fire works I have ever seen. They set them to the 1812 Overture. Breathtaking. So celbrate all that is wonderful about our Republic. Just leave the ax out of your commute. You'll thank me later.
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