I don't understand the affection for Ron Paul. I appreciate that he has some wonderful ideas, and he is a strict Constitutionalist. He knows more about the United States Constitution than I know about most things, but he didn't have a pig's chance at a luau of being elected President. He is old, and while that isn't a problem for me, (Ronald Reagan had the best quip for dispensing with his age, if you don't know what it was-for heaven's sake! Look it up!) the media really liked Reagan. Dr. Paul, not so much. He was not going to be elected President anymore than I would ever consider dating my ex again. Just wasn't going to happen. But his son, Rand- that is another story.
Not very long ago, Rand Paul wanted to know if b.o.'s administration would ever consider a drone strike on a citizen of the United States. We have that marvelous Constitution that is supposed to prevent that from happening. Eric Holder didn't want to admit that he thinks he has the authority to simply kill anyone he deems a threat without due process. That is the back story.
B.O. nominated a pure rino to be the head of the C.I.A-John Brennan. Senator Paul wanted to know if b.o. thought it would be okay to order drone strikes on United States citizens and that is where it got lively. Senator Paul spoke for over twelve hours to draw attention to the fact that b.o. and his administration is perfectly okay with using drones to kill Americans and others on our soil without bothering with a trial or any of the other rights guaranteed to us in the Constitution.
You would think a scholar such as Obama would have remembered this from his days as a lecturer at Harvard. Strange that he didn't know this, or that he honestly thought we would be okay with him doing it.
But Rand Paul is awesome. His filibuster was underscored by Senators McCain and Graham agreeing to have dinner with Obama while the self same filibuster was going on. They ate meals that cost more than the average person spends in a month for groceries. Why would they care? It's not like they had to pay for it. We all did.
The GOP old guards are losing their grip. Inch by inch, we are all becoming better off. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
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