I hope that we all have a better year than the one we just put away. I hope that people are kinder to each other, more honest and more patient. I hope that we all find or enjoy the person whom we can love and be loved by in return.
I hope that the world is a little safer, and that we are all a bit more prosperous this year. I wish that there was a magic pill to get us through the next two years with out any damage- I can only hope that B.O. is on a constant vacation and too busy to wreck our fine Republic any more than he already has.
Of course, he could suffer from the "Benghazi Flu" that Hillary seems to be afflicted with, couldn't he? I find it passing curious that the woman who is so anxious to call it quits with the current administration is suddenly so frail that she must be hospitalized. First it was a "concussion" and then it now appears that this poor, frail creature is suffering from a "blood clot." Man, talk about your bad luck, huh? One would think that her access to the best medical care in the world would have forestalled all of that. But considering how she and the current jackass in the oval office are responsible for the deaths of at least four of our citizens, I can see how she isn't too anxious to be grilled by the Congressmen and women who want to finally get some answers from the most transparent administration ever.
I wish us all better health, more happiness, and the prosperity to enjoy ourselves. God bless us all.
Monday, December 31, 2012
Monday, December 24, 2012
I Believe
I believe that b.o. stole the last election. I know that the states with voter i.d. laws all elected Romney. Eric Holder fought a long battle to keep states from having those laws, anyone want to guess why? I also think that the G.O.P. won't do anything about it. That useless Boehner does not have the testicular fortitude for the job at hand.
I believe that raising taxes at this time is fiduciary suicide. Even the loser in the oval office said that you don't raise taxes during a recession. Did he believe that then, when he said it? Would someone please remind him.
I believe that if obamacare is actually allowed to become the law of the land, we are going to have death panels so fast, your grandma's head will spin. I think that liberals in general and b.o. specifically have no belief that life is precious. He had said once that he wouldn't want one of his daughters "burdened" with an unwanted pregnancy. Considering that they both look like his Yeti wife- I cannot imagine either of them having sex with anything outside of a battery operated device. Speak the truth and shame the devil, as my Grandmother would say.
I believe that if the msm was doing its job, we would know more about the September Eleventh slaughter of our Ambassador in Libya. I believe that they purposefully withheld information then, in order to get their boy elected. Anything they say about it now is too little, too late.
I believe that unions could very well be the end of our economy. I love twinkies. I love those chocolate cupcakes with the unfortunate name. I believe that unions destroy more jobs than they have ever "protected" and don't think they serve a useful purpose.
I believe that with the two most recent tragedies involving guns that the liberals will race to exploit these deaths. Guns don't kill people. Crazy people with access to guns do. If you want to blame anyone, blame the people around those two nut jobs for not alerting the authorities.
I believe that the G.O.P. had better start listening to the conservative side of the party before we break off and take over the entire thing. I don't want deals with the current administration. I want fiscal sanity and an end to the deficit spending. I cannot write checks when I have no money to back them up. I believe the federal government should be the same way.
I believe in term limits. I would love to know how Harry Reid was able to dump his stocks in solar energy right before we found out that Solyndra was a great big giant reach around. If it's illegal for Martha Stewart to participate in insider trading- it ought to be illegal for all of us.
I believe that the elected officials should participate in obamacare, the same as the rest of us. I believe that people in nursing homes should have access to the same great care that the prisoners receive in prison. And for the same price. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
I believe that raising taxes at this time is fiduciary suicide. Even the loser in the oval office said that you don't raise taxes during a recession. Did he believe that then, when he said it? Would someone please remind him.
I believe that if obamacare is actually allowed to become the law of the land, we are going to have death panels so fast, your grandma's head will spin. I think that liberals in general and b.o. specifically have no belief that life is precious. He had said once that he wouldn't want one of his daughters "burdened" with an unwanted pregnancy. Considering that they both look like his Yeti wife- I cannot imagine either of them having sex with anything outside of a battery operated device. Speak the truth and shame the devil, as my Grandmother would say.
I believe that if the msm was doing its job, we would know more about the September Eleventh slaughter of our Ambassador in Libya. I believe that they purposefully withheld information then, in order to get their boy elected. Anything they say about it now is too little, too late.
I believe that unions could very well be the end of our economy. I love twinkies. I love those chocolate cupcakes with the unfortunate name. I believe that unions destroy more jobs than they have ever "protected" and don't think they serve a useful purpose.
I believe that with the two most recent tragedies involving guns that the liberals will race to exploit these deaths. Guns don't kill people. Crazy people with access to guns do. If you want to blame anyone, blame the people around those two nut jobs for not alerting the authorities.
I believe that the G.O.P. had better start listening to the conservative side of the party before we break off and take over the entire thing. I don't want deals with the current administration. I want fiscal sanity and an end to the deficit spending. I cannot write checks when I have no money to back them up. I believe the federal government should be the same way.
I believe in term limits. I would love to know how Harry Reid was able to dump his stocks in solar energy right before we found out that Solyndra was a great big giant reach around. If it's illegal for Martha Stewart to participate in insider trading- it ought to be illegal for all of us.
I believe that the elected officials should participate in obamacare, the same as the rest of us. I believe that people in nursing homes should have access to the same great care that the prisoners receive in prison. And for the same price. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Monday, December 17, 2012
A Loose Definition of "Celebrity"
I don't watch reality television. Truth be told, I don't really watch television. Four years ago, I realized that the only thing I did watch was Dexter and Monk, and so I quit my television habit, cold turkey. I don't miss it very often, with exceptions like wanting to watch the debates. One of the biggest reasons that don't miss television is reality programming.
I hate the television writers for going on strike and making the networks see that they could still fill the programming with reality television. I don't care who is on Survivor. I can spot a Kardashian by their excessive makeup and scanty clothing. I don't care who is married to whom for twenty minutes, nor do I care that they prostituted themselves to pay for it. If I want reality programming, I watch the news. It seems pretty real, more so than following some person who is only famous for being famous.
I don't care about their plastic surgeries, although Kenny Rogers and Bruce Jenner have drifted into that asexual-what the heck were they thinking, do their ears meet in the back?- look. Creepy.
I wish that someone would muzzle celebrity children as well. I pray that Micheal Jackson's "children" have had their five minutes of fame and that they drift into wealthy obscurity very soon. I think that Micheal Jackson abused children, I really do. There were too many accusations that were paid off and hushed up for there not to be something to the stories. As the saying goes "where there is smoke there is fire." So now, I don't think that he will be grooming these purchased children. But the idea of letting a fourteen year old girl have access to the media simply amazes me. She is still a child, albeit a wealthy one. Where are their Mothers? It's crazy!
Another celebrity child that I grew tired of quickly is the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown. I don't care if she is engaged, married or missing. Engaged at eighteen to he step relative puts me in mind of some of my people from Kentucky, but I guess it's only inbreeding when you are Southern. To quote one of my favorite movies ever, " Poor people are crazy. I'm eccentric." Hooking up with your step anything is crazy. Doesn't matter how large your trust fund is, that is crazy.
But if the media would stop making these people instant celebrities, maybe they would go away. Maybe the publicity departments that are hired by these narcissistic losers would have to tighten their belts and I would consider owning a television in my home again. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
I hate the television writers for going on strike and making the networks see that they could still fill the programming with reality television. I don't care who is on Survivor. I can spot a Kardashian by their excessive makeup and scanty clothing. I don't care who is married to whom for twenty minutes, nor do I care that they prostituted themselves to pay for it. If I want reality programming, I watch the news. It seems pretty real, more so than following some person who is only famous for being famous.
I don't care about their plastic surgeries, although Kenny Rogers and Bruce Jenner have drifted into that asexual-what the heck were they thinking, do their ears meet in the back?- look. Creepy.
I wish that someone would muzzle celebrity children as well. I pray that Micheal Jackson's "children" have had their five minutes of fame and that they drift into wealthy obscurity very soon. I think that Micheal Jackson abused children, I really do. There were too many accusations that were paid off and hushed up for there not to be something to the stories. As the saying goes "where there is smoke there is fire." So now, I don't think that he will be grooming these purchased children. But the idea of letting a fourteen year old girl have access to the media simply amazes me. She is still a child, albeit a wealthy one. Where are their Mothers? It's crazy!
Another celebrity child that I grew tired of quickly is the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown. I don't care if she is engaged, married or missing. Engaged at eighteen to he step relative puts me in mind of some of my people from Kentucky, but I guess it's only inbreeding when you are Southern. To quote one of my favorite movies ever, " Poor people are crazy. I'm eccentric." Hooking up with your step anything is crazy. Doesn't matter how large your trust fund is, that is crazy.
But if the media would stop making these people instant celebrities, maybe they would go away. Maybe the publicity departments that are hired by these narcissistic losers would have to tighten their belts and I would consider owning a television in my home again. Think about it, you'll thank me later.
Saturday, December 15, 2012
Senseless Horror
Even without a television I am aware of the horrific slaughter of those precious children and others yesterday. Why aren't teachers armed in the classrooms? Why haven't they stepped up the security it these places that we trust with our most precious assets? And why on God's green earth have the liberals decided to start babbling about the need for more gun control when these poor parents are choosing coffins for their babies?
To me, gun control is hitting what you are aiming at. There are two shot guns and a hand gun in my home. Try to hurt me or mine and I will kill you dead if it is humanly possible. I will not wound you so that you can sue me later. I will kill you if it is at all possible, and then I will sue your family for not stopping you. Watch me.
That being said, why are liberal now exploiting this terrible terrible day to blather on about their sacred cow of gun control? Do you honestly believe that making guns unavailable to honest people will stop criminals from having guns?
Chicago (God help you if you live there) has some of the strictest guns laws in the country. People are shot their every day. I'm thinking that it isn't a great deterrent, what do you think?
Pray for those children and others who were lost. Hold your own babies a little tighter today. You'll thank me later.
To me, gun control is hitting what you are aiming at. There are two shot guns and a hand gun in my home. Try to hurt me or mine and I will kill you dead if it is humanly possible. I will not wound you so that you can sue me later. I will kill you if it is at all possible, and then I will sue your family for not stopping you. Watch me.
That being said, why are liberal now exploiting this terrible terrible day to blather on about their sacred cow of gun control? Do you honestly believe that making guns unavailable to honest people will stop criminals from having guns?
Chicago (God help you if you live there) has some of the strictest guns laws in the country. People are shot their every day. I'm thinking that it isn't a great deterrent, what do you think?
Pray for those children and others who were lost. Hold your own babies a little tighter today. You'll thank me later.
Monday, December 10, 2012
Holidays are supposed to be a wonderful time of year, aren't they? I used to love them when I was younger, probably because my Mother is the best cook I have ever met. When I fix the dishes that she used to fix for Thanksgiving and Christmas, my able groans, trying to hold it all.
There was a turkey, of course, ( while I love ham, it is for Easter, thank you just the same) and corn bread dressing. We are southern, it is the best dressing in the world. And then there would be some sort of vegetable, usually broccoli or cauliflower. There was also macaroni salad, baked beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, baked sweet potatoes, and the best yeast roll you have ever put in your mouth. When you recovered from that round, there was banana pudding, fruit salad, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, apple pie, sweet potato pie, and lemon meringue pie. It was a feast.
It also took a whole week to fix everything, and we ate left overs for almost a month. When I think of family gatherings, I always consider the food that we ate. It was delicious, which didn't hurt, but it was the back drop for everyone that had come over.
Years later, after enduring several b a d meals at the exe's Aunt's- I offered to cook and even his crazy father jumped at the idea. I don't enjoy cooking all the time, but when I do, I like to go all in the way my Mother does. I didn't even mention the deviled eggs or the plates of olives and cheese that were out. It just makes me homesick thinking about it.
So anyway, now that I am the grown up and my Mother lives about a million miles away from me, hopefully I will give my own children the same memories.
Even relatives that are more than annoying are tolerable when the holidays are here. If you don't have family close, consider getting together with all of the people you know that also have no where to go for the day. There is always more happiness in a group, I think.
One of the saddest things to me is the dairy queen in this stupid little town is always hopping on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I guess there are lots of people who have no where to go. So if you can open your home to friends, think about having a meal with them on the Holiday. You'll thank me later.
There was a turkey, of course, ( while I love ham, it is for Easter, thank you just the same) and corn bread dressing. We are southern, it is the best dressing in the world. And then there would be some sort of vegetable, usually broccoli or cauliflower. There was also macaroni salad, baked beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, baked sweet potatoes, and the best yeast roll you have ever put in your mouth. When you recovered from that round, there was banana pudding, fruit salad, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, apple pie, sweet potato pie, and lemon meringue pie. It was a feast.
It also took a whole week to fix everything, and we ate left overs for almost a month. When I think of family gatherings, I always consider the food that we ate. It was delicious, which didn't hurt, but it was the back drop for everyone that had come over.
Years later, after enduring several b a d meals at the exe's Aunt's- I offered to cook and even his crazy father jumped at the idea. I don't enjoy cooking all the time, but when I do, I like to go all in the way my Mother does. I didn't even mention the deviled eggs or the plates of olives and cheese that were out. It just makes me homesick thinking about it.
So anyway, now that I am the grown up and my Mother lives about a million miles away from me, hopefully I will give my own children the same memories.
Even relatives that are more than annoying are tolerable when the holidays are here. If you don't have family close, consider getting together with all of the people you know that also have no where to go for the day. There is always more happiness in a group, I think.
One of the saddest things to me is the dairy queen in this stupid little town is always hopping on Thanksgiving and Christmas. I guess there are lots of people who have no where to go. So if you can open your home to friends, think about having a meal with them on the Holiday. You'll thank me later.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Walmart Might Consider KY Jelly for Their Associates
I really hate going to Walmart. I have a lot of reasons that I don't like the place, not the least of which is their unending quest to keep moving crap around. I like to be able to get in, get out. There is a list of reasons why this is almost never possible.
1. No matter when I go there, there is always some sort of reunion breaking in front of me. Who are these idiots who have to stand there blocking the aisle while they catch up with each other? Go stand out of the way if you need to talk for more than ten seconds. Please.
2. Small children that aren't controlled by the adults who brought them there. You may think that your little princess is adorable now that she can walk, but I almost run her over because silly me, I'm not checking the floor for your little bundle of newly walking joy.
3. Body odor. For the love of heaven, soap doesn't cost that much. There are third shift people in this local Walmart who make your eyes water. God forbid if you are stuck shopping near them. Good bye appetite.
4. Gossiping friends. Okay, this one is my fault, but it still slows me down.
5.That herd of people who have to yap away with the people greeter. Just take your cart, ask your question and keep moving! Those big glass things are letting more people in behind you, you know.
In my last trip through, I spoke to one of my former co workers. She was telling me that they will not receive a quarterly bonus this go around. Shock of shocks, how can that be? Walmart is one of the few stores who are holding their own, aren't they? So if the retail Rock of Gibraltar can't make its sales quotas, what does that say for the other retail establishments?
Why isn't the msm telling me any of this? I can't believe, (she said sarcastically) that they have some kind of agenda.
Walmart used to be a great place to work. With a few changes, it could be again. They need to do away with the nepotism (one support manager I know went from support to co-manager in 12 months) they need to do away with the dead weight, and they need a much more responsive management team.
When I left their happy family, I was making about $17 an hour, so it's not that they aren't paying well. It took me almost 10 years to get there. I started at $6.50 an hour, but it was still more than the union grocery store was willing to start me at.
Walmart is not the family company that Sam Walton founded. Think about any purchases that you have to make there. You'll thank me later.
1. No matter when I go there, there is always some sort of reunion breaking in front of me. Who are these idiots who have to stand there blocking the aisle while they catch up with each other? Go stand out of the way if you need to talk for more than ten seconds. Please.
2. Small children that aren't controlled by the adults who brought them there. You may think that your little princess is adorable now that she can walk, but I almost run her over because silly me, I'm not checking the floor for your little bundle of newly walking joy.
3. Body odor. For the love of heaven, soap doesn't cost that much. There are third shift people in this local Walmart who make your eyes water. God forbid if you are stuck shopping near them. Good bye appetite.
4. Gossiping friends. Okay, this one is my fault, but it still slows me down.
5.That herd of people who have to yap away with the people greeter. Just take your cart, ask your question and keep moving! Those big glass things are letting more people in behind you, you know.
In my last trip through, I spoke to one of my former co workers. She was telling me that they will not receive a quarterly bonus this go around. Shock of shocks, how can that be? Walmart is one of the few stores who are holding their own, aren't they? So if the retail Rock of Gibraltar can't make its sales quotas, what does that say for the other retail establishments?
Why isn't the msm telling me any of this? I can't believe, (she said sarcastically) that they have some kind of agenda.
Walmart used to be a great place to work. With a few changes, it could be again. They need to do away with the nepotism (one support manager I know went from support to co-manager in 12 months) they need to do away with the dead weight, and they need a much more responsive management team.
When I left their happy family, I was making about $17 an hour, so it's not that they aren't paying well. It took me almost 10 years to get there. I started at $6.50 an hour, but it was still more than the union grocery store was willing to start me at.
Walmart is not the family company that Sam Walton founded. Think about any purchases that you have to make there. You'll thank me later.
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