Monday, May 21, 2012

Good Job GOP!

I am watching with great sadness the destruction of any chance that this Republic has to defeat B.O. and his socialist agenda.  Speaker Gingrich is "suspending" his campaign and we are stuck with mitt-for-brains.  The money that he has spent to carpet bomb the opponents will pale in comparison to the money that every one's favorite Kenyan will spend to destroy him.
Factor in the slow dance in the moonlight that the msm is still enjoying and the only thing we can see is four more years for Obama to muck everything up beyond recognition.
Mitt Romney will say anything, do anything promise anything to get himself elected.  Did the GOP learn nothing when they ran the last guy who had stood in line the longest? In a word: no. Mitt Romney has no core of beliefs. He has no guiding principles that he strives for.  He is a stiff, over groomed, cookie cutter white guy.  And while he is better than the craptacular fiasco that we have in place now, he stinks.
I have read the attempts to humanize him by his wife and others.  That may be loyalty on their part, but the clip that will be played over and over is the casual bet he made with another candidate.  The ten thousand dollars that he so casually offered will resonate with those like me who think ten thousand dollars is not an amount that you just toss out there, that is a serious piece of cash.
Romney doesn't get it.  He has no idea of the stress involved in choosing which bills you can afford to pay and which ones have to wait.  He has never had to choose between food and electricity, and he doesn't get it.  Granted, B.O. tries to act as though he is a man who has been there.  His pathetic story that he floated of watching his mother fight with insurance as she lay dying was touching.  The only problem with it, is it is mostly a fabrication.  She was trying to file for benefits for disability not her health benefits.  He lied about the context of her argument with the insurance company, no surprise.
But back to our lousy candidate, Mitt Romney.  The media is starting to point out how rich he is, how out of touch he is.  He won't win, and we are stuck with B.O. for four more years. Pray for mercy, you'll thank me later.

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