Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Are You Kidding Me?

Don't you just love chain emails? They show up,always from a reliable friend of a friend,and the information they impart is just mind boggling. I try to run them past Snopes when I can, but sometimes, as the saying goes- if they're not true, they ought to be. those are my favorites of course. My son's Godmother used to be the queen of Urban Legends. If there was a half baked rumor, a blurry photo of Sasquatch, a rumored link to a link, she was on it. My favorite thing was that she passed them all on, true or not. Eventually, I made a separate email box, just for her. It was easier that way, and it didn't clog up the rest of the stuff. She also loved the send this to seven people, drink a glass of warm milk, bury a piece of paper in the yard, then forward this to eight people for good luck senders as well. see why she had her own box? But she was retired and bred, the Internet gave her a window to the world that she wouldn't have had, otherwise. I wish that there was a way to track down the originators of these things. Of course, we can put a man on the moon, but we can't track down who started the I LOVE YOU virus. But that's an argument for another day. The good news is- thanks to those chain emails, I am about to receive 10 million dollars (US) a missing motor home, and many other assets that have been found in my name and entrusted to a kindly third world attorney, waiting for my credit card information.Read those things and delete them. They are funny in their blatant attempts to trick you, and a little sad as well. Who really thinks that they have hidden funds in Argentina? Watch over those too gullible to see the scams. You'll thank me later.

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