Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Thank You, Thank You, Thank You

I woke up this morning and the air was a little fresher, the sun was a little brighter, and here in this frozen wasteland of the midwest, the temperature edged up to almost freezing.  Why you ask?  I'll tell you.  The Senate seat that a Kennedy has held for over half a century was turned over to a Republican who took away the filibuster proof majority that B O's henchmen needed to shove socialism down our throats.  All is Right in the World. Of course I exagerate.  There is still a lot to be done, but the state that B O carried by twenty four percent went down to a Republican, even after four visits from our first foreign born president in over two hundred years.  Did the new senator promise the good folks of Massachusets anything and everything?  Why, no, he didn't.  He promised to be the forty first vote- the one that can derail socialized medicine and start to focus their attention on the crumbling mass of unemployment we are facing.  Woohoo!  I'm too happy to say much else, I even added this in the middle of my week long sabatical from posting.  God Bless America, it's still ours!!!!

Friday, January 15, 2010

Liberal Media:Bought and Paid For

Anyone remember a lady named Linda Tripp? She was the office worker that had to listen to the sex stories from a morally lapsed young woman who thought it would be cool to have sex with the married President. Ms. Tripp did the smart thing and told this morally challenged coworker to save, save and document. Since folks who crossed this administration had a high rate of "suicide", I believe I would have advised the morally lapsed woman to do the same thing. So why is it that the woman who did nothing wrong is the one that everyone makes fun of? The last time I ever watched anything with John Goodman in it was when he made fun of Ms. Tripp on SNL. It was a tasteless, humorless effort by them and the beginning of when they started to jump the shark. Again. So I am not surprised that BO's numbers are dropping, nor am I surprised that the media is not reporting this fact. They are hanging on like a hair in a biscuit with their guy;nothing will change their minds. Where has BO been on the last two emergency situations? Five points to the first one that said vacation. Does that mean that Biden is in charge, then? God help us all. I especially enjoy watching the women of the mainstream media. For a group that supposedly are all in it together, they had no problem turning on Govenor Palin, did they? In fact, they almost seem at a loss when there isn't a way to blame Ms. Palin for something.  I'm certain they would love to find a way to denigrate her daughter for being pregnant and unmarried, but then they would have even more trouble explaining their hypocrisy on the issue.  For example, why was the Clinton's daughter exempt from media attention, but President Bush's daughters were tabloid fodder from the moment they turned eighteen?  It cannot be that Ms. Clinton is not as photogenic as the Bush' daughters-liberals have embraced ugly women for as long as I can remember.  Does anyone remember the Johnson's?  Now they had faces for radio.  ACORN helped to pull off one of the largest moments in voter fraud and election theft since the dead folks of Chicago turned out in droves for JFK.  The media didn't care then, and they don't care now.  Watch the mainstream news with a jaundiced eye, you'll thank me later.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Other Thursday Post

I don't know what happened to the post for Wednesday, it got lumped in with Thursday. Consider this a twofer, then. I am ready for spring. I know I have said that since the first frost, but I mean it now, I really do. I am ready for some global warming. The real kind, not that climate change, tax me until I cannot breathe kind that liberals like. I hate snow, again- I have said it before. Why people live where it gets this cold is beyond me. Maybe they just don't realize that scraping your car off every day isn't something that people like to do. I'm not sure, but I would give anything if global warming were real right now and I could look forward to some melting this week. Instead, I am sure that I will be standing in the middle of a field, like I did this week, freezing my feet off. Global warming? Hooey! But on to other matters: I got an email from a young man that works at the world's biggest retailer. He was told to clock out because he was over his scheduled hours, and the world's biggest company cannot afford to pay over time. He complied and clocked out, then was told to clock back in and just take a longer lunch hour tomorrow, they were getting hit hard up front. How is that legal? Even if it is legal, how is it fair for this company to expect their employees to be loyal to the company, when the company in question goes out of its way to screw its employees every chance that it can? Instead of hearing to find out if an athelete is using steroids, how about if congress got its collective thumb out of its collective butt and started looking into this? Or, just for fun, maybe it coud take a gander at the rising gasoline prices? I realize that the average elected official in Washington DC is much too busy trying to socialize twenty percent of our economy, but it would be great if they could do some of our business, also. Call and ask them, what it is that they're doing at the expense of what they're supposed to be doing. You'll thank me later.

Enough Already

If I have to listen to one more liberal spew their propoganda about George W. Bush, I will lose it. Granted, he wasn't the best president that we ever had, but he was by far not the worst that we ever had, either. I would give that distinction to either Mr. Carter, or to Slickwillie, they seem to be running neck and neck. One made us the laughingstock of the world, the other, well, sold our nuclear secrets to China, cooked the books on the economy and made us the laughing stock of the world. You pick. I had to listen to something while I was in my car this morning, and the winner was: talk radio. Normally I enjoy it, you get all sorts of opinions and at the very worst, you end up feeling better about yourself. Today, I just listened to one moron liberal (redundant, I know) after another spouting that every problem that we face from illiteracy to the common cold is the fault of the last natural born President of the United States. B.O. has been in office long enough to begin reaping what he has sown, hasn't he? How long of a honeymoon is he going to get with the liberal media, any way? I promise you, if W had let a suspected terrorist onto a plane that he almost blew up, the media would be on him faster than you can say voter registration fraud. Where is the outcry? Where is the cry for reviews, explanations, and someone's head on a platter? It must be on vacation with BO, also, because it sure isn't any where that I have looked. When is the current administration going to "man up" and take responsibility for anything? Register to vote NOW, so we can take back our country, maybe even stop our multi-trillion dollar deficit. You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

One Short Blog If you are at all familiar with the expression 'a picture is worth a thousand words'then you will follow this link and see that Mr.Stevens has expressed this so much better than I could.You'll thank me later.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Step Down Mr. Reid

What do you think would happen if a Republican Senator made a comment that could be interpreted as racist? You are exactly right in saying he would be out on his heiney faster than you can say "Your sister's birth certificate." So why is it that Harry Reid still has a gig? Is it because the media has chosen to ignore the screaming irony of Black Leaders mouthing the talking points and not do their jobs? Maybe if someone manufactures a memo....oh wait, Dan rather tried that one, didn't he? It makes me sick to think that anything can be done by some people if it furthers the leftist agenda. It kind of puts me in mind of back in the day when Slickwillie had been caught(again) with lying (again) and they had finally gotten past all of the liberal roadblocks and began to impeach the sitting President. One feminist after another denounced the intention of ousting this felon, abandoning the ideals they had been screaming about so militantly for years. I was told that sex was sex, Europe laughed at us, and a host of other things that the media ran with. But change a few key players, and their political affiliations (Senator Packwood, anyone?) and every feminist voodoo priestess was out calling for blood and resignations. How is that not prostituting one's values and beliefs? What does that make the feminist who defended him? Does the word rhyme with "political bore"? I think so, too. Consider what the people who want to lead movements have as their real agenda.  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

I know that it is only the 8th of January, but it seems like it has already been at least three weeks since the beginning of the year, doesn't it? I hate this time of year, college football is over, the holidays are behind us, and nothing left to look forward to except months and months of snow slush and grey skies. Whoopie. I used to enjoy hockey this time of year, but with the local league only having five teams in it, it's kind of hard to get would up about that either. Local hockey is more interesting than you would think. For one thing, the guys in it aren't making obscene amounts of money. In fact, they are hardly making any money at all. That might explain why so many of them are in roommate arrangements. The other thing that I like about the local teams are the married guys who wait until the end of the school year before they move their families back up north. It would seem that our schools are better than someone's at least. But enough of that. Grab a good book, a good movie or something to help pass the hours and hours we have until February. Think spring. You'll thank me later.

Comic Strips

Do you remember comics when you were younger? Man oh man, they were great, weren't they? And, there were plenty of them too. I can remember that Dagwood was usually the first strip, or sometimes it was peanuts. I'll be honest with you, I usually skipped over the Phantom and Mary Worth,not because they were poorly written, but because they took so long to unfold. And there was always a lady crying into a handkerchief at some point, wasn't there? But the funny ones made my day. Calvin and Hobbes is a treasure, and I would give anything for it to be back in print again. There were about a dozen of those strips that made me laugh out loud, especially when Calvin was having his picture taken for a card, or when he gave himself a haircut. Garfield is great, also, plus many others I could mention. I found a site on Yahoo that lets me keep current on all of the best comic strips. Frankly, I can't wait to see what happens on 9 Chickweed Lane. Talk about a great story! Why did papers get away from having such wonderful strips? I know that part of it is the money side. I also know that the Internet is slowly killing off the newspapers that are still around. Why would you buy it when you can download the thing for free? Here in this town, there is a small locally owned paper that is not what I would call topnotch. The most popular thing that I have noticed in it is the police blotter. Everyone that I know looks there first to see who has been arrested for something, and what that something was. It doesn't take much to make some folks feel better about themselves. Maybe if the newspapers made the paper good again, say with comic strips, and local stories vs. whatever got pulled off the AP people might invest in them again. If they do, you can thank me later.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

More Change We Can Believe In???

Would you let someone with an agenda for teaching small children about homosexual sexual education have access to your children? I wouldn't either. But B.O. wants to by making Kevin Jennings the safe school czar. Who is going to protect my children from him? If anyone else with his "credentials" asked for access to children, I believe they would be booted out in a minute. So why does the current administration have him in this position, and more importantly, why doesn't the main stream media care? I had to research for over an hour before I could get all the answers that I was looking for about this piece of work. At least B.O. is consistent. Also, why did Attorney General Eric Holder drop the default judgements against the New Black Panther Party? They threatened white poll workers in Philadelphia last November. Why doesn't anyone else care? I promise that if a bunch of guys in sheets were threatening the ACORN folks who registered people thirty and forty times to vote, there would be so much coverage on MSNBC that Keith Olberman would be voiceless. (From my mouth to God's ear) This is not change I can believe in, but it is about what I expected from our first foreign born "president" in well over one hundred years.Why won't this guy let CSPAN in on the arm twisting-that is to say-negotiations,on health care. He wants to take over 1/6 of our economy beyond the takeover of GM,don't you think it would be nice if he did it away from closed doors? Call your elected officials, demand that they do what they said they were going to do, or vote 'em out in November. You'll thank me later.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So Choose Already

How many more people are dead because the current administration dawdled around making a decision about Afghanistan? What happened to the plan that he had when he was running for the office? Can the next election come soon enough? Please, please register to vote if you haven't yet. It is so very important, not just for us, but for the rest of the world that counts on us. I'm not sure when we became the world's police force, I imagine it was sometime during the Reagan administration. But as we seem to be saddled with that responsibility, it doesn't seem like such a great idea to continue the BO apology tours, does it? Is there a country that he hasn't apologized to yet? If there is, I cannot think of who it would be. I guess his plans for "sitting down with our enemies" is kind of like his American birth certificate- a vague unsubstantiated rumor. On my opening page, I have a countdown until the 2010 elections. I cannot say this often enough, please register to vote if you haven't yet. When ACORN conspired to help steal the election, my brother thought it would be great to have a different activist group, one that was more conservative. His idea was to call it Oak Tree, and I think it's a great idea. Why is it that when liberals are giving their opinions on any of the many issues they sound off on, it's only them acting as private citizens to exercise their rights of free speech? Yet when a conservative celebrity invokes the very same right, it is hate speech? I will admit- I liked the movie The Truth About Cats and Dogs. but when I see Janeane Garafolo now, I just want to find a mute button as fast as I can. When did having a moderately successful acting career qualify you to bloviate on every topic that runs through your head? Why hasn't the media crawled up her butt like they did Joe the Plumber? Bias, anyone? But to circle back to the topic on hand, I believe that BO never had any idea how to run our Country, and everything he has tried has been a miserable failure. For a twelve and one half TRILLION dollar deficit, he could have given every citizen in this country $75,000 dollars. Instead of baiing out the banks, the auto industry, and any number of his cronies, he could have infused real money into the situation. Granted, AIG wouldn't have been able to go on their retreat, GM wouldn't have been able to bonus their CEO, and the BO kickback coffers would be a little more empty.Register to vote, the election is right around the corner. Help send Mr. Reid and Ms. Pelosi back into oblivion, where they need to be. You'll thank me later.

Are You Kidding Me?

Don't you just love chain emails? They show up,always from a reliable friend of a friend,and the information they impart is just mind boggling. I try to run them past Snopes when I can, but sometimes, as the saying goes- if they're not true, they ought to be. those are my favorites of course. My son's Godmother used to be the queen of Urban Legends. If there was a half baked rumor, a blurry photo of Sasquatch, a rumored link to a link, she was on it. My favorite thing was that she passed them all on, true or not. Eventually, I made a separate email box, just for her. It was easier that way, and it didn't clog up the rest of the stuff. She also loved the send this to seven people, drink a glass of warm milk, bury a piece of paper in the yard, then forward this to eight people for good luck senders as well. see why she had her own box? But she was retired and bred, the Internet gave her a window to the world that she wouldn't have had, otherwise. I wish that there was a way to track down the originators of these things. Of course, we can put a man on the moon, but we can't track down who started the I LOVE YOU virus. But that's an argument for another day. The good news is- thanks to those chain emails, I am about to receive 10 million dollars (US) a missing motor home, and many other assets that have been found in my name and entrusted to a kindly third world attorney, waiting for my credit card information.Read those things and delete them. They are funny in their blatant attempts to trick you, and a little sad as well. Who really thinks that they have hidden funds in Argentina? Watch over those too gullible to see the scams. You'll thank me later.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Do You Feel Safer?

How do you judge a man's character? I think one of the ways to do that is to see if he takes responsibility for his actions. Thank God for the passengers on the flight that stopped that terrorist jackass from killing everyone on the plane. Why was he even allowed on an airplane in the first place? Thank God his Father gave the airline a heads up, because it looks like Obama's administration is on vacation again. Why am I blaming B.O. for this, you may ask. Well after listening to him pontificate about the horrors of the last eight years, he seemed to be the man who had all the answers. While he never said what they were,and while he was out campaigning and covering up his real birth certificate, he assured us every day in the sound bytes that the fawning media gave him. So where are these great plans of his? Where is the gravy train and the biscuit wheels that he promised me was change I could believe in? If I didn't know better, I would think that BO was full of crap, what do you think? I am so thankful that the airplane was filled with people who were not going to go down without a fight. I hope that they barbecue (no pun intended) that terrorist jackass and bury him on a pig farm. When I fly with my children, I want to feel safe, not scared some moron with a death wish and a head full of crazy religion is hoping to earn his "bones" on the way to Allah.I hope that my elected officials take the time to read this and see how so many of us feel. They would thank me later.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!!

When I think of New Year's Eve, I usually think of two things. One is a sort of look back on all the places I have been to ring in the new year. Some of them were great-parties with a man I thought I loved, some were not so fantastic-like an Aunt that went to bed at ten p.m. It was just another day to her. The other thing that I think of is my Father.Every year at midnight, my Father would shoot at least one of his guns into the air. My, how the neighbors must have loved him. My Dad was a character, to put it mildly. He could charm almost anyone in ten minutes or less. Even people that were determined not to like him usually found themselves liking him within an hour. He was very charming, very likable and if he had used his powers for good, I have no doubt he could have run the world. But my father was very susceptible to the charms of women. He had a particular taste in women, usually very large ones. How he ended up with my Mother is any one's guess. But when he did speak about her, it was always with admiration and respect. Even after he was not in her life anymore, my Dad never had anything negative to say about her. That was a tremendous gift that he gave me. I never felt like I had to choose between my parents. I wish more people were like that with their children. I don't remember my Mother ever saying anything bad about my Dad in front of me. Considering some of the things that he did, that is amazing. Trust me. I hope that the next year is better for all of us. I hope that nothing but good things happen to the people that we care about, and nothing but awful things happen to the people we hate. Enjoy your family. Without my sons Joshua, James and David Alexandre, I don't know what I would do. They are the light of my life. Happy New Year, everyone. I hope the next year is better for all of us.