Thursday, February 24, 2022

Just When You Think Thieving Potato© Cannot get Any Worse

 It looks as if Biden has some competition in the incompetent leader department. The guy that looks so much like Castro, only North is some kind of despot horrible guy, isn't he?  He threatened to kill the pets of the people that had the nerve to disagree with him and didn't want to take aborted fetal cells injected into themselves.

He was able to get into the bank accounts of the people that had donated as little as $50, and freeze their accounts.  It's awful.  And down here, we have crickets from the msm. Less than crickets, actually.

So what Thieving Potato© has done now is shut down out means of energy independence all while assisting Russia as they take over any independent country that is between them and what they want.  How much is the first crackhead making on the unfettered access that China now has to Taiwan and Russia's violent takeover of Ukraine?  There has to be some money changing hands, that's just how those Bidens roll.

Gasoline is twice the cost that it was with President Trump. But no mean tweets.

Beef is 56% more expensive. But no mean tweets.

Chicken, pork and lamb is 61% more expensive. But no mean tweets. So priorities are there, just not the priorities for any normal person.

I make it a point to thank Bitards at every opportunity and this is another chance to let them own what they have done.  Thanks again, Bitards.  This one is on you, also.   Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, January 24, 2022

What the Heck Happened to Television???

 I've said countless times that I quit watching television around 2008.  I didn't see the need for it, every program that I liked was easily accessible by buying the DVDs of the seasons, and commercials were going to get by without me.

Well, then Dexter decided to have another go and I could not wait for the release, I wanted to see how they fixed the horrid ending that they came up with for the series the first time. Spoiler Alert: it's awful and don't bother.

So anyway, I have television again after a 15 year hiatus and yowza, is it bad! I'm watching the stuff that was current when I still watched broadcast television and the news. That seems to be about the only thing watchable.  But I am curious about that happened to Caucasian actors? There are none in commercials any longer, unless it's a minor role in the background.  I see loads of lesbian and other homosexual couples, and plenty of races, but if you're a white male looking for commercial work, just keep moving.  

A friend of mine is a young man that would like to be an actor.  Unfortunately for him, he is white, and many times when he auditions for the local piddly small time commercials, he is not cast because they want a "diverse" cast.  That translates into anything but white.  Now if he chose to be a homosexual character, he may be able to find some work.  But a straight white guy? Forget it.

It's like watching the NBA, (not that I ever would) and looking for racial diversity there.  But because it's athletics, it must not matter-they just want the best person for the job.  Remember that nonsense with #oscarssowhite??? Try running a #nbasoblack and see how fast it is before you're booted from every neutral platform that we call social media.  Brace yourself to avoid the whiplash.

But it isn't just the thuggery of the NBA, almost any sport is going to be devoid of many races.  But it's racist to point that out, so hush.  

I would like to turn on my television and see something that is entertaining and not pandering, woke, politically correct, or stupid. I understand that I have repeated myself there, but I'm trying to make a point.

Replace any African American with a Caucasian person and have them say the same words.  George Jefferson can same it.  Archie Bunker cannot.  How in the world is that not screaming racism?? Think about it, you'll thank me later.