Monday, September 28, 2015

Kim Davis vs Lois Lerner

As I write this Judge Benning-a federal judge over Kentucky-is the latest foot soldier in the gaystapo war against freewill.  When put on a ballot, people overwhelmingly vote against letting two homosexuals play dress up and call it marriage.  The solution? Don't let the citizens vote on it anymore.
 Now we have the latest martyr, Kim Davis.  She is the brave Christian woman who will not feed the delusion of homosexuals. She won't issue them a marriage license because, well, they won't be married. She is a strong Christian woman and God bless her for it.  The ignorant tool, judge who allowed this travesty should be held accountable.  Ms. Davis has a right to religious expression.  Those homosexuals clearly have the means to go to one of the deluded counties or cities in Kentucky that will give them a piece of paper, but instead-they choose to sacrifice Ms. Davis on the alter of homosexual acceptance.  A pox on their houses.
Lois Lerner, on the other hand, is drawing a pretty chunk of change in her retirement.  She is under a contempt order from Congress, but Obama's DOJ won't enforce the charge.  She is living the good life.  It helps to have friends in higher places, doesn't it?
I believe we have a Tenth Amendment it reads The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.
That's pretty simple to understand isn't it? Even a liquored up Bader-Ginsburg should be able to comprehend it.  Instead, the Supremes invented a whole new class of rights.  It doesn't hurt when two of the justices had already presided over some homosexual dress up parties.  Did they recluse themselves? HA!
The world is pretty upside down right now.  Russia and China are ginning up, Obama is taking selfies in Alaska.  B.O. warned us that he would 'fundamentally transform' the country.  The smart people who voted against him knew what he meant.  Don't be surprised when he does it.  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, September 21, 2015

What Was Ahmed Mohammed Thinking? THIS Is Why Those Teachers Were Correct-Left Be Damned

A bright young man brought a home made clock to school.  He is a bright muslim student and he brought an electronic device to school so that his teachers could see it.  It looked like this

/Image result for picture of ahmed's clock

What was he thinking?? I have read ad nauseum the attacks and complaints that the young man was detained.  I have read columns that border on slander and libel about the teachers that did the right thing.
I am happy for the young man that is able to make an electronic clock, and it will serve him well if he chooses to get an education.  But the teachers who have been mocked unmercifully did the right thing.
What if it was a bomb?  The politically correct heads will be exploding but it is the truth.  In the 1940's many Japanese were put in camps because Japan attacked us and we didn't know if they could be trusted.

This happened in 2001:Image result for 9/11 pictures of planes hitting towers   

Have people forgotten??  Al Quaeda and ISIS want to kill us.  They want to see Christianity, Judaism, and every religion that isn't theirs wiped out.  Muslims worship a guy that hooked up with his 9 year old bride.
Just because the current administration is ok with it, doesn't reduce the ick factor.

Political correctness is going to be the end of us if we don't start using our brains.  I applaud those teachers and that school. I cannot have more loathing for those libtarded people who try to mock them and make others afraid of doing this the next time.  Because what if they are too afraid to say something when they see something and all of those children die because of it.
Stranger things have happened, haven't they?  Think about it.  You'll thank me later.

Monday, September 14, 2015

While Obama Wastes More Money on his Latest Photo Op

My only surprise is that there wasn't an uptick in Yeti sightings.  B.O. wasted millions of dollars on his latest photo op in Alaska.  He did it to 'highlight the problem of  global warming/global cooling/climate change."  Then I discovered that he left Michelle at home.  That would make sense, I guess, why scare the locals?
It has been a few days since he went on a vacation, so the trip to Alaska makes sense.  If you had to wake up in the same house as Michelle Obama, would you stay in town much?  So he went to Alaska and renamed Mt. McKinley back to Denali.  For what reason?  I have no idea, I guess he ruled out spray painting the Oval Office walls as a way to leave his mark.
It's not like obamacare will be around much longer, it is imploding at every turn.  Of course, it was built to fail, it opens the door to complete socialized medicine, especially since that has worked out so well in every modern country that has tried it.  But while the msm was having its latest case of vapors over that cool guy in the Oval Office, we had a couple of problems back home. While B.O. frets about the nonexistent problem of lost glaciers, Syrian refugees are pouring into every European place dumb enough to take them.  There is no time to do proper background checks, it's a crisis!  What better way to fill up countries with muslim terrorists?
Do you see any of these Syrian 'refugees' begging other Islamic countries for asylum?  Of course you don't!  Why do they need to infiltrate where they already are?  Nope, Greece, France and Great Britain would be their targets.
Taqiyya is the muslim practice of lying, deceiving and illusion.  It is perfectly acceptable when used against non muslim countries.  What better explanation for what is going on right now?
How many terrorist acts have been committed by muslims that we have allowed to be in our country?  A quick rundown for the 'religion of peace' includes Nidal Malik Hasan (or 'work place violence according to b.o.) The brothers Tsarnaev- who when they weren't exploiting our generous welfare benefits, were plotting and killing people with pressure cooker bombs, and Lee Boyd Malvo and John Muhammad a couple more crazies from the 'religion of peace.'  They were responsible for countless shootings in the DC area.  All in the name of islam.
So of course we need more potential terrorists, don't we?
Won't it be great when we have a President who is on the side of the American people again?  Instead of one who wastes time and money renaming mountains?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.

Monday, September 7, 2015

Clinton Still Doesn't Get How the Internet Works

Hillary is slipping in the polls to a confirmed and admitted socialist.  Let that sink in for a minute.  Forget the fact that Democrats are actually considering a socialist, but that Hillary is worse than a socialist to them.
Is it because she had a separate illegal server? Maybe.  The slow drip drip drip of information is more damning than the administration that allowed her to have a separate server.  She might have been outed by Valerie Jarrett.  She may have been outed by B.O. himself. Who know-who cares.  Still she obfuscates.
Hillary was neck deep in the Benghazi tragedy.  She knew, she let it happen.  Still she obfuscates.
When the information that Planned Parenthood was not only aborting babies but harvesting their tiny body parts- Hillary took one look at all of the information and lied.  Not understanding that the internet supersedes the msm- her support of Margaret Sanger will live on forever.
Stop and think-Margaret Sanger started Planned Parenthood to encourage black people to abort their babies.  She wanted less black people.  She is getting her wish.  More black babies are aborted than born now.  She is also a huge heroine of Hillary's.
Now it is fun watching her implode as one scandal after another comes to light.  The right wing conspirators are out in force.  Just ask her.
One would think that after algore inventing the internet-he would have stopped by and given ol' Hillary a tutorial about how the dang thing works.  It lives on forever, now.  She and Bill may still be the darlings of the msm.  But they-the media that is- are becoming more and more irrelevant as we speak.  No one trusts them anymore.  They shouldn't, either.
Remember how Hillary is when she is caught in a lie.  Is that what you want in charge of anything?  Think about it, you'll thank me later.