It would seem that someone had bugged the Office of Senator Mitch McConnell. A recording of his strategy sessions in facing the b list actress Ashley Judd was found. I would think that bugging a person's room is illegal. Maybe I'm wrong. I know that homeland security claims the right to do whatever it is they think that they should be able to do in the interest of "security." Perhaps Big Sis thought that Ashley Judd carpet bagging her way into a Senate seat in Kentucky was a matter of national security. She hasn't been able to stop the last few terrorist attacks, so maybe this is her strong suit.
Had this been the office of Harry Reid that was bugged, or Nancy Pelosi, or any liberal politician, I have no doubt that the msm would be screaming Watergate from the tops of the roofs. The comparisons would go on into the twilight hours, and the indignation ( real or otherwise) would be thick.
I've read several books about President Nixon. He seems like he had some genuinely good ideas, but he was more paranoid than a cokehead. It was a third rate burglary, and it was the cover up that killed him.
I can only hope that the msm shows the same zeal in ferreting out the person or people who bugged the McConnell headquarters. I am not holding my breath.
Does anyone remember the big yawn that Slick Willie received for getting oral sex in the Oval Office? The pathetic attempts to equate consensual sex with a waste of time were too numerous to count. They queued up Carville to run the story into the ground, and the msm was only too happy to oblige.
They were all only too happy to ignore that it wasn't about having sex with some pathetic pudgy girl who didn't mind being used sexually. It was about the perjury he committed. Perjury is a felony. One would think that with two lawyers in the room, that one of them would have realized it. Maybe they missed that day in law school.
Eventually, Clinton settled the case. Eventually, it was proven that he lied under oath and was disbarred. Maybe someday the msm will cover the story, but I'm not holding my breath. Their double standard is hugely evident by the r or the d beside a politicians name.
President George W. Bush never had a honeymoon period with the press. They were furious that he beat their boy, Al Gore, and they never forgave him for it. Any mispronunciation was a field day. Never mind 53 states. Never mind the Marine 'corpse'.
The folks who job it is to tell us all of the news, all of the time have been slacking off. Luckily, they cannot control the internet (thanks algore) and information is still flowing freely. That must be why the people who get their news from one of the big three networks is at an all time low. But the people who are responsible for telling us what is going on with our government, our Republic, and our politicians are not doing their jobs.
Consider the naked bias in the news. Think about all the vitriol that is spewed toward Fox News for not being left of center. What are they trying to hide from us? Get the answer to that, and you can thank me later.
Monday, May 27, 2013
Monday, May 20, 2013
Cuba: the Hot New Tourist Location for Left of Center "Celebrities"
Did you know that there is a travel restriction on American citizens traveling to Cuba? It's one of the useless attempts that the government has employed to punish Castro's regime. It keeps Cuba as a third world country (along with their insistence on clinging to communism) and ensures the Hollywood liberal world of having a place to go that normal, tax paying citizens will never have.
Sean Penn goes to visit Cuba more times than I can count. He touts the living conditions, the wonderful atmosphere of Cuba. He tells me what a great guy Fidel was. I wouldn't give a half cup of cold urine for his opinion, but there you go. I think he may have gone crazy when his father was black listed for being a communist sympathizer. I could be wrong.
The latest batch of elitists to let themselves be used as propaganda tools are Jayze and Beyonce. You know that they must be really cool because they don't need a last name. Like Madonna. Like Elvis. Like Satan. I couldn't really pick either of them out of a lineup, other than she was in the last Austin Powers movie. The one that wasn't funny.
How does one book a vacation to Cuba anyway? Much like when those Obama kids got to go to Mexico for Spring Break when regular citizens were advised to stay away from that area, how does one even line up the travel agent? I doubt that Travelocity or Priceline are booking many trips there.
For that matter, when Penn was making his trips to Venezuela to visit with his favorite dictator, how in the world did he make those arrangements?
Everyone with more than five working brain cells knows that wealthy people are more equal than the rest of us. The irony is that so many of these celebrities are screaming for the rights of people to all be fair, so long as they can continue to have more rights than the rest of us.
Think about where you spend the few dollars left at the end of the week on entertainment. You'll thank me later.
Sean Penn goes to visit Cuba more times than I can count. He touts the living conditions, the wonderful atmosphere of Cuba. He tells me what a great guy Fidel was. I wouldn't give a half cup of cold urine for his opinion, but there you go. I think he may have gone crazy when his father was black listed for being a communist sympathizer. I could be wrong.
The latest batch of elitists to let themselves be used as propaganda tools are Jayze and Beyonce. You know that they must be really cool because they don't need a last name. Like Madonna. Like Elvis. Like Satan. I couldn't really pick either of them out of a lineup, other than she was in the last Austin Powers movie. The one that wasn't funny.
How does one book a vacation to Cuba anyway? Much like when those Obama kids got to go to Mexico for Spring Break when regular citizens were advised to stay away from that area, how does one even line up the travel agent? I doubt that Travelocity or Priceline are booking many trips there.
For that matter, when Penn was making his trips to Venezuela to visit with his favorite dictator, how in the world did he make those arrangements?
Everyone with more than five working brain cells knows that wealthy people are more equal than the rest of us. The irony is that so many of these celebrities are screaming for the rights of people to all be fair, so long as they can continue to have more rights than the rest of us.
Think about where you spend the few dollars left at the end of the week on entertainment. You'll thank me later.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Jason Collins vs Kermit Gosnell- Why the Media Won't Stop Talking About One, and Won't Dare Mention the Other
Do you know who Jason Collins is? I didn't until I googled his stats. He seems to be a basketball player. He is middle rank-no superstar, just an average joe athelete being overpaid to play basketball. Big yawn, right? That was until Mr. Collins decided that everyone needed to know that he is a homosexual. I mean everyone. When my Mom is talking about it, trust me, that is full saturation. Maybe he can date Magic Johnson's son. I have been told ad nauseum that he is a homosexual also.
Kermit Gosnell, on the other hand, would appear to be an unethical sleazy piece of work. Her performed abortions on babies that could have been delivered alive. He killed-by snipping the necks- babies that managed against all odds to survive their mothers' and Gosnell's best efforts to kill them.
Which one is the media talking about nonstop? If you guessed the homosexual basketball player, stop on over for a free cup of coffee. Why is that? I've thought about it for a while, and the only answer is simple.
One advances the liberal agenda, and one sets it on its ear. Jason Collins is a semi known person whom children somewhere have probably asked for an autograph. He seems to be middle rank, a mediocre player, not a superstar, but not the worst guying out there either. He is the perfect poster child for the 'homosexuals are everywhere, just accept it' crowd. He went to college, he is a professional. If he did anything awful in his past, it will not see the light of day while this love fest is going on. I find it curious that there haven't been hours of film dedicated to fawning interviews with his parents and family. Maybe they are shy. Maybe they are part of the group that doesn't exactly support the homosexual agenda. African Americans by large numbers disapprove of homosexuality, so who knows?
But if they do approve, or if they just agree to keep their family business to themselves ( a lesson for those children of Micheal Jackson, no?) the msm are staying blissfully quiet on the subject.
The other topic- Kermit Gosnell and his house of Horror is another subject. The media not only hasn't covered the trial, until social media forced them to acknowledge it they wouldn't cover the story. The pictures of the empty media section spoke loudly. As did the pathetic excuses as to why they weren't covering the story. My personal favorite? The editor who said that he was 'unaware' of the trial until social media began mentioning it. How does this guy get to be in charge of anything?
He may want to step outside of his liberal bubble and experience the other 70% of the world. He can thank me later.
Kermit Gosnell, on the other hand, would appear to be an unethical sleazy piece of work. Her performed abortions on babies that could have been delivered alive. He killed-by snipping the necks- babies that managed against all odds to survive their mothers' and Gosnell's best efforts to kill them.
Which one is the media talking about nonstop? If you guessed the homosexual basketball player, stop on over for a free cup of coffee. Why is that? I've thought about it for a while, and the only answer is simple.
One advances the liberal agenda, and one sets it on its ear. Jason Collins is a semi known person whom children somewhere have probably asked for an autograph. He seems to be middle rank, a mediocre player, not a superstar, but not the worst guying out there either. He is the perfect poster child for the 'homosexuals are everywhere, just accept it' crowd. He went to college, he is a professional. If he did anything awful in his past, it will not see the light of day while this love fest is going on. I find it curious that there haven't been hours of film dedicated to fawning interviews with his parents and family. Maybe they are shy. Maybe they are part of the group that doesn't exactly support the homosexual agenda. African Americans by large numbers disapprove of homosexuality, so who knows?
But if they do approve, or if they just agree to keep their family business to themselves ( a lesson for those children of Micheal Jackson, no?) the msm are staying blissfully quiet on the subject.
The other topic- Kermit Gosnell and his house of Horror is another subject. The media not only hasn't covered the trial, until social media forced them to acknowledge it they wouldn't cover the story. The pictures of the empty media section spoke loudly. As did the pathetic excuses as to why they weren't covering the story. My personal favorite? The editor who said that he was 'unaware' of the trial until social media began mentioning it. How does this guy get to be in charge of anything?
He may want to step outside of his liberal bubble and experience the other 70% of the world. He can thank me later.
Monday, May 6, 2013
If Micheal Vick Went to Jail for Killing Dogs, What Should Happen to Kermit Gosnell?
I'm watching the msm try to come up with excuses as to why they haven't been covering the disgusting trial of abortionist/ baby killer Kermit Gosnell. My favorite excuse so far has been that the editor was unaware of the case until people online began asking him why he wasn't covering the story. Um, sure.
If this guy is so out of touch that he is unaware of who Gosnell is, perhaps he should look into that al gore invention-the internet. It's all the rage.
Micheal Vick is a disgusting excuse for a human being. I don't care if he has the ability to run with a football, throw a football, or make a football appear out of thin air. He forced dogs to fight each other to the death, and killed dogs that wouldn't/ couldn't fight well.
The media made such a big deal about this ( as well they should have) and Mr. Vick went to jail. Not quite for two years, but he did go to jail. To the National Football League's shame they allowed him to play professional football again. Felons are okay- unless they are betting on sports.
Kermit Gosnell is evil incarnate. He ran an abortion clinic that killed many babies that could have lived, even though their mothers' had just tried to kill them. He did late term abortions, third trimester abortions, partial birth abortions-no baby was safe from Gosnell's reach in his abortion factory. He even allowed babies that survived every attempt to be murdered to have their spinal cords cuts and then flushed away. He deserves to go to jail for the rest of his natural life.
But do you hear about this monster on your local news? Nope. The msm-and their agenda- do not want people to be informed about how horrific a third term abortion is. If they informed the public about what actually happens to these babies, even b.o. would change his mind about his daughters being "burdened" with an unplanned pregnancy. (His daughters look too much like their mother, I don't think it's going to be a problem.)
Gosnell should go to jail for the rest of his natural life. Anyone who helped him should go to jail for a long time, also. Babies were flushed in the toilet. Living, breathing babies were set out to suffer until they died and could be thrown away like so much garbage. When I think of the people who would love a baby in their lives, any baby- black, white, purple, plaid- it makes me angry that these poor babies were left to die.
While I believe these babies should have been able to have their whole lives to live, I don't think the same applies to Gosnell. I see no irony in wanting him to stop living because he killed so many others. He had choices, and he always chose the money he charged these women to kill their babies over the babies who had no choice. What should happen to Kermit Gosnell? Think about it, you'll thank me later.
If this guy is so out of touch that he is unaware of who Gosnell is, perhaps he should look into that al gore invention-the internet. It's all the rage.
Micheal Vick is a disgusting excuse for a human being. I don't care if he has the ability to run with a football, throw a football, or make a football appear out of thin air. He forced dogs to fight each other to the death, and killed dogs that wouldn't/ couldn't fight well.
The media made such a big deal about this ( as well they should have) and Mr. Vick went to jail. Not quite for two years, but he did go to jail. To the National Football League's shame they allowed him to play professional football again. Felons are okay- unless they are betting on sports.
Kermit Gosnell is evil incarnate. He ran an abortion clinic that killed many babies that could have lived, even though their mothers' had just tried to kill them. He did late term abortions, third trimester abortions, partial birth abortions-no baby was safe from Gosnell's reach in his abortion factory. He even allowed babies that survived every attempt to be murdered to have their spinal cords cuts and then flushed away. He deserves to go to jail for the rest of his natural life.
But do you hear about this monster on your local news? Nope. The msm-and their agenda- do not want people to be informed about how horrific a third term abortion is. If they informed the public about what actually happens to these babies, even b.o. would change his mind about his daughters being "burdened" with an unplanned pregnancy. (His daughters look too much like their mother, I don't think it's going to be a problem.)
Gosnell should go to jail for the rest of his natural life. Anyone who helped him should go to jail for a long time, also. Babies were flushed in the toilet. Living, breathing babies were set out to suffer until they died and could be thrown away like so much garbage. When I think of the people who would love a baby in their lives, any baby- black, white, purple, plaid- it makes me angry that these poor babies were left to die.
While I believe these babies should have been able to have their whole lives to live, I don't think the same applies to Gosnell. I see no irony in wanting him to stop living because he killed so many others. He had choices, and he always chose the money he charged these women to kill their babies over the babies who had no choice. What should happen to Kermit Gosnell? Think about it, you'll thank me later.
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