I am not a fan of the current president. Anyone who has ever spoken to me for more than five minutes can usually figure that out. I wasn't a big fan of Clinton's either. I have been told that as I was coming out of anesthesia I answered the question who is the president with ,"Slick Willie, God help us all." Even a drug induced stupor is no match for my dislike. So riddle me this Batman, What has B.O. done that warrants all the hoopla?He was "given" a Nobel Prize for breathing. When thinking of the Nobel Peace Prize tell me which one seems a little far fetched, okay? Nelson Mandella, Ghandi, Barrak Hussein Obama? The qualifications for this award isn't bringing about peace, encouraging understanding, nope. It's breathing. Was his sorry butt in the Oval Office for ten minutes before the meaning of this award was forever tarnished? I'm not on anyone's short list but I believe that I would refuse it. Getting a Nobel Prize after B.O. is like getting a swimming medal from the Red Cross after Ted Kennedy. I'll pass.
Another thing that I don't understand is the absolute lack of interest in ACORN and their stack of registration fraud accusations. Nice to see that B.O took care of them in the last budget, isn't it? And speaking of budgets, what is going on in Washington that this amazingly bloated multi-trillion dollar deficit is going through. My throat is still a little sore from having the socialized medicine shoved down it, I don't know if my trachea can swallow any more.I hear rumblings that the midterm elections don't look so good for the guys holding the majority right now. Perhaps they didn't understand the job description, do you think?
And finally, I will say this every chance I get: TERM LIMITS!! Charles Rangel is the perfect reason why we need them. He has spent over forty years on the government t**, it's high time he let go. He was strong arming folks for money so that he could build his ego padding monument to himself. Ridiculous.
Another argument for term limits would be another liberal whack job, Maxine Waters. It seems she was helping the husband with some political influence. No sense being a Congressman(or woman) if you can't help the ones you love, right? I hope their hearings are loud, embarrassing and juicy, don't you?
Finally I would like to touch on the fact that Bristol Palin appears to be the only unwed mother it is okay to make fun of. The National Organization of Women Hypocrites hasn't whispered one word to defend her, not one. I guess they are too busy continuing to look the other way on their guy, Bill. Who knows, maybe it threw their collective neck out? Finally, I'll end this with something that has had me giggling for weeks. I guess Al Gore did pick up a thing or two in his time under Slick Willie. Perhaps he should have spent more time on the 3.2 million dollar house he bought on the beach in California. Of course, if he believed one ounce of his Global Warming-no,wait-Global Cooling-hang on, that won't work, I've got it-Climate Change!! that he made millions from, wouldn't he have gone a little farther inland? Register to vote. Do it today. Think long and hard about sending someone to DC who will work for you, not the other way around. You'll thank me later.